Here is the complete list of recent posts/publications uploaded on Education for All in India; this includes a wide range of publications from school to higher education, from data analysis to its implications for universal school education, district planning under Samagra Shiksha, the role of indicators in planning, DIETs status, and prospects, computation of indicators, critical analysis of UDISEPlus  and AISHE data and other aspects of education in India.

Most Recent Publications: Education for All in India, 2023 & 2024

  1. A Comparative Study of DIET & Other Teacher Training Institutions in India
  2. Admission under Educationally Weaker Section (EWS) Quota: Meaning, Criteria, Eligibility & Sources of Data (2023)
  3. All India Survey on Higher Education 2020-21: Analysis & Implications for Achieving a 50 percent GER by 2035
  4. Analysis of Pupil-Teacher Ratios in India by Level of Education: A State-wise Examination based on UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  5. Analysis of Cyber Safety Orientation in Government Schools in India An Examination of UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  6. Analyzing the Education Landscape in India: School Numbers, Enrolment & Teacher Distribution
  7. Analysis of Muslim Enrollment at Higher Education Level in India: AISHE 2020-21 (2023)
  8. Analysis of Schools with PCs and Integrated Teaching Learning Devices in India – A Comprehensive Overview Based on UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  9. Analysis of Psycho-Social Aspects Training in Government & Government-Aided Schools in In
  10. A Note on Status of Education in India (2023)
  11. Age-Specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER): Bridging the Educational Divide
  12. AIHES & Status of Higher Education 2023
  13. All about DIETs in India: Present Status & Challenges
  14. All about RTE Act 2009
  15. All about SIEMAT 2023
  16. An Introduction to Cluster Resource Centre in India, 2023: Origin, Concept, Status, Criteria & Functions
  17. Analysis of Gross Enrollment Ratio 2021-22 (UDISEPlus 2021-22)
  18. Analyzing Scheduled Castes Higher Education Enrolment in India based on AISHE 2020-21 Data
  19. Are school teachers in India burdened?
  20. Aspirational Districts Program: NITI Aayog’s Initiative for Holistic Development
  21. Average Annual Growth Rate: Muslim Enrolment in Higher Education
  22. Bihar Caste Census Data Released: Implications for School Education Sector
  23. Bihar Caste Census: A Comprehensive Analysis & its Political Implications (November 2023)
  24. Benefits of Conducting a Caste-Based Census in India 2023
  25. Best Practices in District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) 2023
  26. Bridging Educational Disparities in India: An Analysis of AISHE 2020-21 Data by Social Groups: SC, ST, & OBC
  27. Building Global Appeal: Opportunities for Indian Higher Education (2023)
  28. Census of India Historical Perspective 2023
  29. Challenges & Initiatives in India’s Education System 2023
  30. Challenges Facing District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) in India (2023)
  31. Challenges & Solutions School Planning in India
  32. Challenges and Opportunities of Foreign Faculty Recruitment in Indian Universities
  33. Codes, Concepts & Definitions of  UDISEPlus
  34. Competitive Examinations in India for Higher Education: Technical, Medical, and Others
  35. Computation of Out-of-School Children Based on Administrative Data (UDISEPlus 2021-22)
  36. Contemporary Challenges in Indian Higher Education: A Concise Appraisal based on AISHE 2020-21 Data
  37. Cultural Diversity in Indian Higher Education: Its Pros and Cons (2023)
  38. Danger of Gambling & Drug Addiction among College Students in India with a Focus on Punjab
  39. Data Limitations in Muslim Education in India (2023)
  40. DIET and Sustainable Development: A Vision for the Future
  41. DIET in Strengthening Education System
  42. DIET’s contribution to the National Skill Development Mission: Opportunities & Challenges
  43. DIET’s Current Programs & Initiatives
  44. DIET’s Future Plans, Innovations & Challenges
  45. DIET’s Impact on the Local Community
  46. Digital Divide in Schools in India: Challenges and Solutions
  47. Digital Libraries in Schools in India: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  48. Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme of the Government of India 2023
  49. Dropout Rates in Schools in India: An Analysis of UDISE+ 2021-22 Data
  50. Economic Influence of International Students on India’s Higher Education System
  51. EDUCATION: Building India’s Future at 100
  52. Education & Artificial Intelligence, Understanding Plagiarism 2023
  53. Education & Employment in India: Navigating Challenges & Unlocking Opportunities 2023
  54. Education Challenges & Government Initiatives: A Comprehensive Analysis of Scheduled Tribes Population in India (2023)
  55. Education Planning for Sustainable Development
  56. Education Policy & Planning in India
  57. Educational Insurance Policies and Benefits in India
  58. Educational Portals in India: School & Higher Education (MoE)
  59. Educational Surveys in India 2023
  60. Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs) in India: Meaning, Origin & Criteria 2023
  61. EFA History, Status & Challenges, India 2023
  62. Efficiency Indicators: A Gender & Religious Perspective with a Focus on Muslim Students Using UDISEPlus Data 2021-22 in India
  63. Embracing Diversity: The Promise of Cultural Pluralism in Indian Universities (2023)
  64. Empowering Children through Innovation & Advocacy: A Case of NGOs in India in School Education 2023
  65. Empowering Scheduled Caste Children: Challenges, Government Programs & the Path to Universal School Education in India 2023
  66. Enhancing Accessibility for Children with Special Needs: Analysis  based on UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  67. Enhancing Scholarly Writing and Preventing Plagiarism with Grammarly Software: Focussing Ph.D. Students/Scholars
  68. Enrollment & Gender Parity in Higher Education Institutions between 2011-12 to 2014-15
  69. Evolving Trends in Indian Examinations and Assessments: A Paradigm Shift
  70. Examining Enrollment Impact: From Primary Education to Higher Education in India – NER Insights 2023
  71. Exploring the Share of OBC Enrollment in India’s School Education System (2023)
  72. Functional Projector Availability in Schools: Implications for Quality Education (2023)
  73. Future of DIET: Exploring Potential Directions & Opportunities for Growth 2023
  74. Gender Parity Index: Understanding its Importance in Achieving Universal School Education in India 2023
  75. GER at Higher Education Level in India: Brief Analysis, 2023
  76. Global Rankings & Indian Higher Education: Analyzing the Influence of Globalization
  77. Higher Education in India
  78. Higher Education in India: Overcoming Challenges & Embracing Opportunities 2023
  79. Higher Education in India: Role of Gender Parity Index, 2023
  80. Higher Education Profile in India 2019-20:  Ministry of Education
  81. History of DIET: From Inception to Excellence
  82. How can technology be used to improve education?2023
  83. How could the UCC Impact the Education Sector in India? 2023
  84. IDEPA Vs. Masters in Education Planning (IIEP)
  85. Impact of COVID19 on education in India
  86. Implications of the Teacher Shortage for Student Learning Outcomes (November 2023)
  87. Impact of DIET on Education: Revolutionizing Learning in the 21st Century
  88. Impact of Globalization on the Indian Workforce & Preparing Students for the Globalized Economy (2023)
  89. Impact of School Closures & Mergers on Access to Education in India, 2023
  90. Impact of Solar Panels on Indian Schools:  A Comprehensive Analysis Based on  UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  91. Importance of BPL Scheme on  Education in India
  92. Importance of Child Population to Compute Educational Indicators (2023)
  93. Importance of Hard Spots in School Education Quality in India (UDISEPluse 2021-22)
  94. Improving Education through UDISEPlus: A Comprehensive Overview 2023
  95. Improving Education Outcomes through Effective Student Data Collection under UDISPlus
  96. Improving Education in Rural India: The Key Challenges & Solutions (2023)
  97. Importance of STEM Education and Its Current Status in India (2023)
  98. Improving the Quality of UDISEPlus Data by Engaging an Independent Body (2023)
  99. Incentive Schemes for SC, ST, Minority & Marginalized Students in Higher Education in India: Importance, History & Beneficiaries (2023)
  100. Indian Students Abroad: Exploring the Brain Drain Phenomenon
  101. Indian Migration: A Comprehensive Overview (2023)
  102. Integrated Science Labs in Secondary Schools in India 2023
  103. Internationalization & Globalization on Higher Education 2023
  104. Introduction to Block Resource Centre 2023
  105. Is Technology Important for Higher Education in India?
  106. Issues & challenges the Indian education system is  facing
  107. Issues in Indian Education System
  108. Learning Outcome-Based Assessment in Government & Government-Aided Schools in India (Based on UDISEPlus 2021-22)
  109. Key Findings of Enrolment Ratio at All India Level 2021-22
  110. Literacy & Dropout Rates in N-E Region of India, 2023
  111. Mental Health in Schools: A Growing Concern in India
  112. Meeting the Challenges of Indian Higher Education: A Comprehensive Perspective (2023)
  113. Mid-Day Meal Scheme: Enhancing Nutrition & Education for School Children
  114. Model Village Action Plan within the framework of the NITI Aayog Aspirational District Plan: Exemplary Set of Indicators
  115. Muslim Education in India 2023
  116. Muslim Gender Parity Index at Higher Education Level in India, 2016-17 to 2020-21
  117. Muslim Students Transition Rate in India: Cohort 2018-19 to 2020-21
  118. Muslim Students Retention Rate at Primary, Elementary & Secondary Levels, Cohort 2020-21
  119. Muslim Gross Enrolment Ratio at School Education in India (2021-22)
  120. Muslims Gross Enrolment Ratio at Higher Education Level (2020-21)
  121. Muslim Students Flow Rates at School Level in India: Cohort 2020-21
  122. NAAC Accrediatation of NIEPA 2022
  123. National Education Policy (NEP 2020) & after that
  124. National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF 2023)
  125. NIEPA Departments, Library, Digital Archive, Hostel & Support System
  126. Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22 in India
  127. Online Education in India, Profitable for Students or Owners 2023
  128. Opportunities of Globalization for Indian Higher Education (2023)
  129. Out-of-School children in the Context of School Education in India (2023)
  130. Para-teachers in India 2023
  131. Planning under Samagra Shiksha 2023
  132. Power of Education, Unlocking India’s Potential 2023
  133. Pressure on Students Appearing for Competitive Exams in India 2023
  134. Private vs. Public Education & impact on student outcomes
  135. Promoting Education Expenditure to 6 percent of GDP in India 2023
  136. Public vs. Private: Understanding the Shifting Landscape of Indian Education  (2024)
  137. Quality of Education in Indian Schools: A Critical Analysis
  138. Reflections on Current Status School Education in India 2023
  139. Revamping DIETs: The Catalyst for Transforming School Education in India
  140. Role of Government in the Globalization of Indian Higher Education (2023)
  141. Retention Rate at School Education Level in India
  142. Revolutionizing Education: NITI Aayog’s Vision for a Bright Future 2023
  143. Role of Civil Society in Improving Education in India 2023
  144. Role of State Education MIS Systems in Improving the Quality of Education through the UDISEPlus (2023)
  145. Role of DIET in Shaping Education System 2023
  146. Role of NIEPA & Research based on UDISE data (1994 to 2017)
  147. Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Current Status, Logo, Portal & Schemes 2023
  148. School Education Data in India: A Comprehensive Analysis (2023)
  149. School Education in India: Challenges, Solutions, & Government Initiatives 2023
  150. School Education indicators India 2023
  151. School Teachers in India: Nurturing the Future of the Nation 2023
  152. SDG 4: Education in India – Empowering the Nation’s Future 2023
  153. Smart Schools in India: A Closer Look at Government, Government-Aided, and Other Schools
  154. Share of Muslim Enrolment at School Education in India: 2012-13 to 2021-22
  155. Share of Muslim Enrolment in Higher Education in India: 2016-17 to 2020-21
  156. Share of Girls in Muslim Enrolment at School Level & Gender Parity Inde (GPI)
  157. Share of Muslim Enrolment in India by Gender to Total Enrolment (2012-13 to 2021-22)
  158. Size of Muslim Population in India: 1951 to 2011 (2023)
  159. Shaala Siddhi innovative initiative 2023
  160. Should there be a separate cadre for DIET?
  161. Significance of Adjusted Net Enrolment Ratio in Achieving Universal School Education 2023
  162. Significance of Indian Students Studying Abroad & International Students Studying in India in the Context of Higher Education
  163. State-wise Muslim Gross Enrolment Ratio at School Education in India (2021-22)
  164. Status & Challenges of Samagra Shiksha 2023
  165. Status of Education for All in India: Achievements &  Challenges
  166. Status of Education for All in India: Achievements &  Challenges
  167. Status of Education in India 2023
  168. Status of Education in the North-Eastern Part of India 2023
  169. Status of School Education in India 2023
  170. Status of School Education in view of NER 2021-22
  171. The Danger of Gambling Addiction among College Students in India
  172. The Future of Internationalization: Post-Pandemic Prospects for Indian Higher Education
  173. Teacher Training in India: Challenges and Opportunities
  174. Teaching Aids in Indian Educational Institutions: Significance, Data Scrutiny, and Subsequent Measures (2023)
  175. Teacher Training in India: Challenges and Opportunities
  176. The Challenges of Globalization for Indian Higher Education (2023)
  177. The Impact of Globalization on the Quality of Indian Higher Education
  178. The Future of DIET: District Institute of Education & Training
  179. The Future of Indian Education: A Glimpse into the Next Generation of Learning (2023)
  180. The Highlight of UDISE+ 2021-22 Data at the All India Level
  181. The Impact of Globalization on Education in India 2023
  182. The Intersection of DIET and Education Policy: A Comprehensive Analysis 2023
  183. The Quality of Education in India: Addressing the Challenges (November 2023)
  184. The Present Status of School Education in India: Analysis of the Latest UDISE+ 2021-22 Data
  185. The Pursuit of Quality School Education: A Key Imperative for India’s Future, 2023
  186. The Rising Challenge of Increasing Education Costs for Families in India (2023)
  187. The Role of DIET in Promoting Inclusive Education: Challenges and Opportunities
  188. The Role of DIET in Teacher Education in India: Enhancing Pedagogical Excellence (2023)
  189. The Significance of Peer Learning in School Education in India: UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data
  190. The State of Muslim Education in India: A Data-Driven Analysis by Arun C Mehta (2023)
  191. The Usefulness of Functional Mobile Phones for Teaching Purposes and Improving Accessibility in Schools and Households
  192. The Women Reservation Bill 2023
  193. The Globalization of Indian Higher Education: Trends and Implications
  194. The State of Muslim Education in India: A Data Driven Analysis based on UDISEPlus & AISHE Data (2023)
  195. Transforming Education through Digital Infrastructure: An Analysis of UDISEPlus 2021-22 Data on Electricity, Computers, & Internet Connectivity in Schools
  196. Transforming Education through Data: The Journey of DISE, UDISE, and UDISEPlus in India (2023)
  197. Transition Rates in School Education in India
  198. The Crisis of Quality in Higher Education in India (2023)
  199. The Road to Digital Education System: Tracing India’s Journey from DISE to UDISE to Unified Digital Information on School Education (2023)
  200. The Role of Tinkering Labs in Indian Schools Under Samagra Shiksha (2023)
  201. UDISE+ Data Sharing Policy: A Guide to Sharing Education Data in India 2023
  202. Understanding the Role of Gender Parity Index in Higher Education in India, 2023
  203. Understanding the Role of Private Institutions in Indian Education: Insights from Data and Trends
  204. Unlocking Solutions to Examination Stress: A Deep Dive into India’s Kota Coaching Hub (2023)
  205. Release of Unified District Information System for Education Plus 2022-23 Data (UDISEPlus 2022-23)
  206. Understanding the Gross Enrolment Ratio in Higher Education: Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes: A Comprehensive Analysis and Implications for India based on AISHE 2020-21 Data
  207. Unlocking the (Challenges) Secrets of India’s Higher Education Quandary
  208. Unveiling the Dilemma: The Use & Misuse of ChatGPT & Bard by Student Scholars (2023)
  209. Use of Whatsapp & How to prevent its Misuse
  210. Vocationalisation of School Education in India: Origin, Coverage, Status, Objectives, Schemes, and Challenges, 2023
  211. What Indicators on Muslim Education in India can be computed?
  212. Will Lower Eligibility for Assistant Professor Lead to a Decline in the Quality of Teaching? (2023)
  213. Decoding ASER 2023: Understanding the Educational Landscape of India (2024)
  214. Trends & Analysis of Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education in India (2017-18 to 2021-22) published in 2024
  215. Bridging the Gender Gap: Analyzing India’s Progress in Gender Parity Index (GPI) in Higher Education based on AISHE 2021-22
  216. The Dynamics of Higher Education Enrolment in India: A Holistic Analysis based on AISHE 2021-22 Data (2024)
  217. Higher Education Enrollment in India: Trends, Insights, and Implications for NEP 2020 based on AISHE 2021-22 State-specific Data (2024)
  218. India Employment Report 2024: International Labor Organisation (ILO 2024)
  219. The Present Status of India’s Education System: A Critical Analysis (2024)

Recent Web Publications of Prof. Arun C Mehta