About https://udiseplus.gov.in Portal
Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE+) Plus
Codes, Concepts & Definitions of UDISEPlus
Transforming Education through Data: The Journey of DISE, UDISE, and UDISEPlus in India (2023)
School Education Data in India: A Comprehensive Analysis (2023)
Release of Unified District Information System for Education Plus 2022-23 Data (UDISEPlus 2022-23)
In view of the limitations in the educational statistics, Ministry of HRD/Education initiated District Information System for Education (DISE) as a part of District Primary Education Programme in 1994-95. At that time the responsibility of data collection under school education was the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry which had the following limitations because of which DISE which later become UDISE/UDISE+ plus was initiated: shortage of qualified staff, lack of training facilities and coordination between different data collecting agencies, multiplicity of questionnaires, deliberate non-response or wilful mis-reporting, delay in data collection, non-response and delays in printing of documents. Some of the other problems were lack of proper appreciation of the importance of educational statistics, ambiguous definitions, inadequate and in-explicit instructions and deficiencies in analysis and tabulation. Amongst these, data-gaps , question-marked on the reliability of data and lack of disaggregated data were the issues of the main concern. Because of interventions through DISE/UDISE, most of these limitations were taken care of by the efforts made by NIEPA, UNICEF and Ministry of HRD/Education. through DISE/UDISE+. Some of the salient achievement of DISE/UDISE+ is listed below:
Data Limitations in Muslim Education in India (2023)
Landmark Achievements: UDISE up to the Year 2017
- Through the concerted efforts, MIS units have been made operational both at the district and state levels across the country and are equipped with necessary hardware and software.
- The U-DISE has eliminated data gaps as comprehensive information on all aspects of school education is now available over a period of time at all disaggregated levels, such as school, cluster, block, district, state, and national levels.
- Both the district elementary as well as secondary education plans are exclusively based on U-DISE data and annual plans were used to be developed based on the current year data which were submitted to the PAB for appraisal and approval.
- Liberalization of data to ensure that data reaches all data users in a user-friendly mode. A separate online channel was devoted to easy hassle-free downloading of the data and online generation of reports as per the requirement of users on hundreds of parameters.
- What is more remarkable about U-DISE is that it has drastically reduced the time-lag in the availability of educational statistics, which is now down from 7-8 years to about a year at the national level, and only a few months at the district and state levels.
- A set of 15 publications were used to be brought out annually covering both elementary as well as secondary levels of education.
Since the inception in 1994-15, DISE-UDISE+ at the national level was located at NIEPA, New Delhi which was later shifted to Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education. From the year 2018-19, UDISE which was renamed as UDISE-plus is being managed by the Ministry through the NIC, New Delhi located in the Shastri Bhawan. In this section few of the documents brought out by the Ministry concerning UDISE+ status of school education in India based on data generated through UDISE-plus, sample Data Capture Format (DCF) of a few states, how much we gained through UDISE-plus, new data sharing policy developed by the Ministry etc., have been presented. Readers are advised to please refer original source of information and provide complete reference/source in further use of data in any form. Data can be downloaded from the official webpage, UDISE+ website.
UDISE-plus Documents
- Unified District Information System in India Plus (UDISE Plus), April 2019, Ministry of Education
- UDISE Plus Data Sharing Policy Ministry of Education Hindi
- Analysis of UDISE Plus Data Sharing Policy Ministry of Education
- UDISE Plus Data Sharing Policy Ministry of Education English
- UDISE+ 2021-22 Report: Highlights by Arun C Mehta on Flash Statistics
- UDISE+ 2021-22 Report Highlights by Arun C Mehta [Download Full Length PDF Report]
- Dose UDISE+ underestimate School dropout rates?
- Status of School Education in Bihar, Where do we stand? 2020-21
- Revamping SDMIS In-sync with UDISE+ 2022-23
- 11-Digit UDISE+ School ID is No More Unique to Data-Users & Researchers
- Samagra Shiksha State Report Card: Bihar 2020-21
UDISE Data Analysis
- How Much we Gain: A Case of U-DISE+
- Strengthening Educational Management Information System in India through U-DISE(A Story of its Evolution)
- Indicators_of_Universalisation_in_the-Light_of_Draft-National_Education-Policy_2019._ArunCMehta
State-specific Documents
- Delhi 2019-20 Data Capture Format & SDMIS
- UDISE 2020-21 Haryana-FAQ
- UDISE Data Capture Format Haryana 2020-21
- U-DISE Plus 2020-21 Haryana Heap Module
UDISE Data Analysis
- Patterns of Decline in Enrolment & its Implications for Universal Secondary Education in India: An In- depth Analysis of U-DISE 2016-17 Data by Arun C Mehta
- Status of School Education in India in the Light of Recent UDISE+ 2018-19 Data
- Planning under Samagra Shiksha: School Education in India
- Recent U-DISE Data & Analysis: 2018-19
- EMIS_Review_by_ArunCMehta_Ghana_Sudan_Cambodia_Iraq
- EMIS_Publications_ArunCMehta
- Has Enrolment Projections in School Education become the history?
- 11-Digit UDISE+ School ID is No More Unique
- Samagra Shiksha State Report Card: Bihar, 2020-21
- Samagra Shiksha India Report Card: 2021-22
- State & UT MIS/UDISEplus Coordinators
UDISE+ 2019-20, Comments by Prof. Arun C Mehta, Former Professor & Head, Department of EMIS, NIEPA, New Delhi