Cover page of book written by Arun C Mehta

About Website Education for All in India (EFA)

Home: School Education in India, Samagra Shiksha. Presents UDISE+ data, its analysis & implication for planning.

This site is being developed and maintained by Professor Arun C Mehta who worked in NIEPA, New Delhi about four decades presents comprehensive information about different aspects of School Education in India in its efforts towards achieving the goal of universal school education in terms of access, participation, retention, and quality of education. It presents comprehensive information about all centrally sponsored schemes, such as the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and newly launched integrated Samagra Shiksha and a host of other programmes.

About 17 channels are presenting different aspects of School Education in India. Its present policy documents from Kothari Commission to National Education Policy (NPE 2020). In a separate section information on Right to Education Act 2009 is presented. Educational Planning is another channel which presents information about planning methodology with a focus on the formulation of district plan under Samagra Shiksha and presents a set of EXCEL Tables based on which plans in India are being formulated.

Because of COVID 2019, schools are still closed and learning is being imparted online in digital mode but most of the schools, as well as households, are not equipped with the necessary hardware, mobile devices and internet connectivity. The website presents a detailed note entitled, ‘Are we ready for online learning’.

Perhaps the most important aspect of EFA in India is the Management Information System, concept and use of an educational indicator in plan formulation and real-life updated data on school education in India from comprehensive sources, such as District Information System for Education (UDISE), NCERT All India Educational Survey, National Sample Survey Organization,  Ministry of Education/Human Resource Development, National Family Health Survey and other sources. Selected Educational Statistics & Analysis of Budgeted Expenditure on Education published by the Department of School  Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education is presented over time for different years so as the U-DISE based publications, such as District and State Elementary Education Report Cards, Analytical Reports, Elementary, Secondary and School Education Flash Statistics and other publications.

One of the other segments of EFA in India, namely Census of India presents comprehensive information generated by the Office of the Registrar General of India for the Census years 2011 & 2011.

An attempt has also been made to project age-specific child population by using single-age 2011 population both at the district and state levels to facilitate district and state-level offices to compute enrolment based indicators, such as Gross & Net Enrolment Ratio and a host of other such indicators. Over a period it has been observed district and state planning officers widely been using projections made by Prof. Arun C Mehta. Review of formulation of Annual District Plans & Budget has also been presented.

Is the Decline in Government Schools in India A cause for concern? Analysis based on UDISE data (2024)

More than making available educational data, it is more important to utilize data and its interpretation because of which several Educational Modules on different aspects of district planning written by experts have been provided which is used across India by district and state planning teams in the formulation of educational plans.

Educational Research is another channel under which the outcome of research undertaken by individual researchers as well as institutions is presented because of which the site, Education For All in India has become a rich source of information on all aspects of school education in India which is being used by thousands of users each day. A  separate section is devoted on Training in Educational Planning under which information is presented in case of apex world institution, namely International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP, Paris) & National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi (India) and SIEMAT and DIETs.

All the contributions of prof. Arun C Mehta, books, articles, educational reports, mission reports on the review of EMIS in a couple of countries as well as audio and videos have also been presented.

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Education For All (EFA) in India

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Complete List of Prof. Arun C Mehta’s Contributions