Indian Migration: A Comprehensive Overview (2023)


According to the World Bank, India has the highest number of international migrants, with over 18 million Indian-born migrants living abroad in 2020. The top destinations for Indian migrants include the United Arab Emirates (3.5 million), the United States (2.8 million), Saudi Arabia (2.7 million), the United Kingdom (1.5 million), and Canada (1.4 million).

Here are some recent OECD information about Indians migrating to other countries:

  • India is the largest source of international migrants to OECD countries. In 2022 Indians accounted for 15 percent of all new immigrants to OECD countries.
  • The most popular OECD destinations for Indian migrants are the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. In 2022, these three countries accounted for over 60 percent of all new Indian immigrants to OECD countries.
  • Indian migrants are highly skilled and educated. In 2022, over 70 percent of new Indian immigrants to OECD countries had a tertiary education degree.
  • Indian migrants make significant contributions to the economies of their host countries. In 2022, Indian migrants accounted for over 2 percent of the total employment in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Here are some additional findings from the OECD’s 2023 International Migration Outlook:

  • Indians are the primary source of high-skilled immigration to OECD countries. In 2022, Indians accounted for 25 percent of all high-skilled immigrants to OECD countries.
  • Indian migrants are likelier to start their businesses than other immigrant groups. In 2022, 11 percent of Indian immigrants to OECD countries were self-employed, compared to 8 percent of all immigrants and 6 percent of the native-born population.
  • Indian migrants send a significant amount of remittances back to India. In 2022, Indian migrants sent over $100 billion back to India in remittances; this makes India the largest recipient of remittances.

Reasons for Migration

Some of the most common causes include:

  • Economic opportunity:Many Indians migrate to other countries for better job opportunities and higher wages.
  • Education:Some Indians migrate to other countries to pursue higher education or to attend specialized training programs.
  • Family reunification:Some Indians migrate to other countries to join family members already living there.
  • Lifestyle:Some Indians migrate to other countries for a better quality of life, such as access to better healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Characteristics of Indian Migrants

Indian migrants come from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of education, wealth, and rural/urban origins. However, it has been observed that a higher proportion of male migrants migrate from India than females. Additionally, a significant number of Indian migrants originate from rural areas.

Exiting Laws

The Emigration Act of 1983 regulates the emigration of Indian citizens. Under this act, Indian citizens intending to migrate for employment must obtain an emigration clearance certificate. This requirement ensures migrants have a valid job offer and a clean criminal record.

Exiting Laws in Other Countries

The Laws vary; some have more liberal rules, while others have restrictions. For instance, in the UAE, foreign workers need their employer’s permission to leave the country, while the United States has no exit restrictions for foreign visitors or residents.

Jobs of Indian Migrants

Indian migrants engage in a variety of occupations. Some work in professional fields like engineering, medicine, and law, while others work in skilled trades such as construction and plumbing. Unskilled jobs like domestic work and agriculture also attract Indian migrants.

Additional Information

Migrants from India contribute significantly to India’s economy through remittances sent back home. The “brain drain” phenomenon, where skilled workers leave India, is a concern for some, but it can also benefit the economies of host countries. Indian migrants often face social and cultural challenges, including discrimination and difficulties adapting to new cultures.

Implications from OECD Reports

India is the largest source of international migrants to OECD countries, with a high level of skilled and educated migrants. Indian migrants make substantial contributions to the economies of the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. They are the primary source of high-skilled immigration and are more likely to initiate businesses than other immigrant groups. Indian migrants also send significant remittances to India, making it the World’s largest recipient.

Gender Disparity in Migration

On average, more men migrate than women worldwide due to men’s greater participation in sectors requiring international movement and their traditional role as breadwinners. However, some countries, like the Philippines, have more female migrants due to employment in feminized sectors like domestic care.

Return of Indian Migrants

Many Indian migrants return to India, and their numbers have increased. Reasons for returning include completing studies or work assignments, reuniting with family, and perceiving improved opportunities and quality of life in India. The Indian government supports the resettlement of returning migrants through various programs and facilitates the transfer of assets back to India.

Efforts of the Indian Government

The Indian government is making concerted efforts to discourage migration by creating employment opportunities, improving education and training, simplifying business startup processes, providing financial aid to returning migrants, and enhancing the living and working environment in India. The government addresses root causes like poverty, inequality, and lack of education and healthcare access.

Challenges faced by the Indian Government

The magnitude and complexity of the migration issue pose challenges for the Indian government. Limited resources, lack of awareness about opportunities in India, and opposition from vested interests are among the hurdles. The brain drain phenomenon, social and cultural costs, and political pressures further complicate the issue.

Concluding Observations

Migration in India is a multifaceted phenomenon driven by various factors. Understanding the reasons, jobs, challenges, and efforts to prevent migration can help guide policymaking and support Indian migrants and their families.

The Indian government faces several challenges preventing citizens from migrating to other countries. These challenges include the scale of the problem, the complexity of the problem, resource constraints, lack of awareness, and opposition from vested interests. Despite these challenges, the Indian government is committed to preventing Indian citizens from migrating to other countries. The government is taking several steps to address the root causes of migration and create a more conducive environment for living and working in India. Hopefully, these efforts will reduce the number of Indians who feel compelled to migrate to other countries.

Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQs)
1. What is the significance of Indian migration on a global scale?

Answer: India has the highest number of international migrants, with over 18 million Indian-born migrants living abroad in 2020. Indian migration is a significant global phenomenon.

  1. What are the top destinations for Indian migrants?

Answer: The top destination countries for Indian migrants are the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

  1. What is the proportion of Indian migrants among new immigrants to OECD countries in 2022?

Answer: In 2022, Indians accounted for 15 percent of all new immigrants to OECD countries.

  1. What is the educational background of Indian migrants to OECD countries in 2022?

Answer: Over 70 percent of new Indian immigrants to OECD countries in 2022 had a tertiary education degree.

  1. What is the economic impact of Indian migrants in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada?

Answer: In 2022, Indian migrants accounted for over 2 percent of total employment in these countries, making significant contributions to their economies.

  1. What is the role of Indian migrants in high-skilled immigration to OECD countries?

Answer: Indians accounted for 25 percent of all high-skilled immigrants to OECD countries in 2022, making them the primary source of high-skilled immigration.

  1. How do Indian migrants contribute to India’s economy?

Answer: Indian migrants send over $100 billion in remittances to India in 2022, making India the largest recipient of remittances, significantly contributing to the Indian economy.

  1. What are the common reasons for Indian migration to other countries?

Answer: Common reasons include economic opportunity, education, family reunification, and seeking a better quality of life.

  1. What are the characteristics of Indian migrants regarding gender and rural/urban origins?

Answer: A higher proportion of male migrants from India than females, and many Indian migrants originate from rural areas.

  1. What are the fundamental laws regulating the emigration of Indian citizens?

Answer: The Emigration Act of 1983 regulates the emigration of Indian citizens, requiring them to obtain an emigration clearance certificate for employment abroad.

  1. How do exit laws for foreign workers differ among countries?

Answer: Exit laws vary from more liberal rules in some countries to restrictions in others. For example, in the UAE, foreign workers need their employer’s permission to leave the country, while the United States has no exit restrictions for foreign visitors or residents.

  1. What types of jobs do Indian migrants engage in abroad?

Answer: Indian migrants work in various occupations, ranging from professional fields like engineering and medicine to skilled trades such as construction and plumbing and unskilled jobs like domestic work and agriculture.

  1. What are the implications of OECD reports on Indian migration?

Answer: Indian migrants are a significant source of skilled immigration, contribute substantially to host countries’ economies, and send substantial remittances to India.

  1. How does gender disparity manifest in Indian migration?

Answer: On average, more men migrate than women worldwide, but this trend can vary by country. Some countries, like the Philippines, have more female migrants due to employment in feminized sectors like domestic care.

  1. What is the trend in the return of Indian migrants to India, and why do they return?

Answer: Many Indian migrants return to India for reasons including completing studies or work assignments, reuniting with family, and perceiving improved opportunities and quality of life in India.

  1. What efforts does the Indian government make to discourage migration and support returning migrants?

Answer: The Indian government creates employment opportunities, improves education and training, simplifies business startup processes, provides financial aid to returning migrants, and enhances living and working conditions in India.

  1. What does the Indian government face the challenges in addressing migration?

Answer: Challenges include the scale and complexity of the migration issue, limited resources, lack of awareness about opportunities in India, opposition from vested interests, the “brain drain” phenomenon, social and cultural costs, and political pressures.

  1. What is the Indian government’s commitment and approach toward preventing citizens from migrating to other countries?

Answer: Despite challenges, the Government of India is committed to creating a conducive environment for living and working in India to reduce the number of Indians compelled to migrate abroad.

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