Census of India: Historical Perspective 2023
The Census of India is a decennial exercise undertaken by the Indian government to gather and analyze demographic, social, and economic data on the country’s population. The first Census was conducted in 1872 under the British colonial government, and since then, it has been conducted every ten years.
Over time, the scope and depth of the Census have expanded to capture more detailed information on the population’s characteristics, including their occupation, education, income, housing, and health. Today, the Census is a critical tool for policymakers, researchers, and the public to understand the country’s changing demographics and to inform policy decisions.
The Census of India publishes a wide range of reports and data products available to the public. These include Census reports, which provide detailed analyses of the data collected during the Census, and thematic reports on specific topics, such as gender, education, and housing.
Population Projections in India: 2016 to 2036
In addition, the Census of India also produces data in the form of tables, charts, and maps that can be accessed through its website. The data is available at various levels of aggregation, from the national to the district level, and can be downloaded in multiple formats, such as Excel and CSV files.
Overall, the Census of India provides an invaluable source of information on the country’s population, and its data and publications are widely used by policymakers, researchers, and the public to understand India’s changing demographic and social landscape.
Educational Data under Census
The Census of India collects a wide range of educational data on the country’s population, which is used to inform policy decisions and track educational attainment changes over time. Some of the educational data that the Census collects include:
- Literacy Rates: The Census collects data on the literacy rates of the population, which refers to the percentage of the population aged seven years and above who can read and write.
- Educational Attainment: The Census collects data on the highest level of education attained by individuals, including primary, secondary, and tertiary education.
- School Attendance: The Census collects data on school attendance, which refers to the percentage of children of school-going age who are enrolled in school.
- Type of School: The Census collects data on the type of school attended by individuals, including government schools, private schools, and madrasas.
- Field of Study: The Census collects data on the field of study pursued by individuals who have completed tertiary education, including science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences.
- Technical & Vocational Education: The Census collects data on the number of individuals who have received technical and vocational education and training.
Overall, the educational data collected by the Census of India provides a comprehensive picture of the country’s education landscape and is critical for policymakers and researchers to track progress and identify areas of improvement in the education sector.
Status of Census 2021
The Census of India 2021 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Census was originally scheduled to be conducted in two phases – the first from April to September 2020 for house listing and the second in February 2021 for population enumeration. However, the first phase was postponed due to the pandemic, and the second phase was postponed indefinitely.
In March 2021, the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India announced that the Census of India 2021 and the National Population Register (NPR) would be deferred until further notice. The decision was taken because of the prevailing pandemic and the need to prioritize public health and safety.
As of now, it is not yet clear when the Census of India 2021 will be conducted. The government has not yet announced a new schedule for the Census, but it is expected that the Census will be conducted after the situation improves. It is safe to conduct the enumeration.
Census: Publications on Educational Data
The Census of India publishes various reports and data products related to educational data. Some of the significant publications related to educational data include:
- Census of India 2011: Primary Census Abstract – This report provides an overview of the population of India based on the results of the 2011 Census. The report includes literacy rates, educational attainment, and school attendance data.
- Census of India 2011: Provisional Population Totals – This report provides provisional population totals for India at the state and district levels. The report includes literacy rates, educational attainment, and school attendance data.
- Census of India 2011: Education – This report provides detailed data on educational indicators, including literacy rates, educational attainment, and school attendance. The report also provides data on the type of school attended, the field of study, and technical and vocational education.
- Census of India 2011: Women and Men in India – This report provides data on gender-related indicators, including literacy rates, educational attainment, and school attendance.
- Census of India 2011: Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes – This report provides data on educational indicators for the Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) in India.
- Census of India 2001: Education – This report provides detailed data on educational indicators, including literacy rates, educational attainment, and school attendance for the 2001 Census.
- Census of India 1991: Education – This report provides data on educational indicators, including literacy rates, educational attainment, and school attendance for the 1991 Census.
These publications are available on the Census of India’s website and can be accessed by the public.