Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22 in India
Based on UDISEPlus 2020-21 and 2021-22 grade-wise enrolment and repeaters data, an attempt has also been made to compute the number of dropped-out boys and girls at primary, upper primary, elementary, and secondary levels of education, presented in the Table 26A reveals that a large number of Muslim students dropped-out from the system before the completion of an educational level.
The numbers further reveal that while fewer girls dropped out at the primary level of education, the same is not valid for the upper primary level. At the secondary level of education also, more girls (51.65 percent) dropped out than boys (48.35 percent). The data further reveals that 21,16,832 Muslim students dropped out in primary, upper primary, and secondary levels, of which 56.33 percent (11,92,536) dropped out in elementary classes.
Number of Muslim Students Dropped-out at Elementary between 2020-21 & 2021-22
In elementary classes, more boys (52.22 percent) dropped-out than girls (47.78 percent), and the difference between the two is enormous and might have severe implications for Muslims to attain the status of elementary education for all and need quick action to check the high incidence of dropouts.
Table 26A: Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22
Primary Level |
Parameter |
Boys | Girls |
Total |
Number Dropped out | 3,63,692 | 2,99,825 | 6,63,517 |
%age | 54.81 | 45.19 | 100.00 |
Upper Primary Level |
Boys |
Girls |
Total |
Number Dropped out | 2,59,075 | 2,69,944 | 5,29,019 |
%age | 48.97 | 51.03 | 100.00 |
Elementary Level | |||
Boys | Girls | Total | |
Number Dropped out | 6,22,767 | 5,69,769 | 11,92,536 |
%age | 52.22 | 47.78 | 100.00 |
Secondary Level |
Boys |
Girls |
Total |
Number Dropped out | 4,46,886 | 4,77,410 | 9,24,296 |
%age | 48.35 | 51.65 | 100.00 |
The state-specific number of Muslim children who dropped out presented in Table 26B reveals that at least eight states have more than 100 thousand students who dropped out in elementary and secondary classes between 2020-21 and 2021-22, which is considered huge. Large states, such as Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, are crucial for India to attain the status of universal school education by 2030, as envisaged in NEP 2020 falls into such states.
Number of Muslim Students Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22
However, in a few states, the number of Muslim girls students dropped out is slightly lower than their boys counterparts. In West Bengal (1,20,936 students), Assam (2,60,343 students), and Uttar Pradesh (4,01,214 students) massive number of Muslim students, both boys and girls, dropped out before the completion of elementary level deserves quick action. While formulating annual plans under the flagship Samagra Shiksha, the massive number of Muslim children dropping out of the system must be prioritized, and initiate appropriate initiatives.
Table 26B: Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22
State/UT |
Primary | Upper Primary | Elementary | Secondary |
Primary to Secondary |
Telangana | 13,429 | 20,410 | 33,839 | 16,985 | 84,663 |
Gujarat | 7,113 | 27,065 | 34,178 | 37,679 | 1,06,035 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 28,438 | 8,629 | 37,067 | 10,366 | 84,500 |
Jharkhand | 13,448 | 23,753 | 37,201 | 14,095 | 88,497 |
Bihar | -38,572 | 76,005 | 37,433 | 99,601 | 1,74,467 |
Maharashtra | 20,011 | 40,612 | 60,623 | 91,877 | 2,13,123 |
Andhra Pradesh | 37,019 | 37,476 | 74,495 | 37,451 | 1,86,441 |
Rajasthan | 57,333 | 34,507 | 91,840 | 30,984 | 2,14,664 |
West Bengal | 1,59,497 | -38,561 | 1,20,936 | 2,03,579 | 4,45,451 |
Assam | 1,35,536 | 1,24,807 | 2,60,343 | 1,00,537 | 6,21,223 |
Uttar Pradesh | 2,72,787 | 1,28,427 | 4,01,214 | 1,03,361 | 9,05,789 |
All India | 6,63,517 | 5,29,019 | 11,92,536 | 9,24,296 | 33,09,368 |
More than the dropout rates, the transition rate from one to another level of education also plays a crucial role in moving toward school education for all.
Table: Number of Muslim Students Dropped out (Between 2020-21 & 2021-22) at Different Levels of School Education: 2021-22 | ||||||||||||||||||
State/UT |
Primary Level | Upper Primary Level | Elementary Level | Secondary Level | ||||||||||||||
Boys | Girls | Total | Boys | Girls | Total | Boys | Girls | Total | Boys | Girls | Total | |||||||
Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 126 | 61 | 187 | 2 | 13 | 15 | 128 | 74 | 202 | 40 | 50 | 90 | ||||||
Andhra Pradesh | 20,725 | 16,294 | 37,019 | 19,915 | 17,561 | 37,476 | 40,640 | 33,855 | 74,495 | 19,631 | 17,820 | 37,451 | ||||||
Arunachal Pradesh | 138 | 131 | 269 | 103 | 231 | 334 | 241 | 362 | 603 | 75 | 104 | 179 | ||||||
Assam | 80,133 | 55,403 | 1,35,536 | 67,644 | 57,163 | 1,24,807 | 1,47,777 | 1,12,566 | 2,60,343 | 41,715 | 58,822 | 1,00,537 | ||||||
Bihar | -22,151 | -16,421 | -38,572 | 31,628 | 44,377 | 76,005 | 9,477 | 27,956 | 37,433 | 41,990 | 57,611 | 99,601 | ||||||
Chandigarh | -343 | -184 | -527 | -19 | -9 | -28 | -362 | -193 | -555 | 233 | 169 | 402 | ||||||
Chhattisgarh | 1,739 | 1,808 | 3,547 | 1,543 | 1,008 | 2,551 | 3,282 | 2,816 | 6,098 | 846 | 778 | 1,624 | ||||||
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 1 | 82 | 83 | 35 | 48 | 83 | 36 | 130 | 166 | 140 | 111 | 251 | ||||||
Delhi | -11,787 | -10,347 | -22,134 | 408 | -39 | 369 | -11,379 | -10,386 | -21,765 | 7,109 | 5,157 | 12,266 | ||||||
Goa | 64 | -52 | 12 | 388 | 505 | 893 | 452 | 453 | 905 | 726 | 542 | 1,268 | ||||||
Gujarat | 4,093 | 3,020 | 7,113 | 12,665 | 14,400 | 27,065 | 16,758 | 17,420 | 34,178 | 22,399 | 15,280 | 37,679 | ||||||
Haryana | -9,358 | -9,094 | -18,452 | 1,748 | 2,568 | 4,316 | -7,610 | -6,526 | -14,136 | 4,607 | 3,469 | 8,076 | ||||||
Himachal Pradesh | -128 | -224 | -352 | 270 | 223 | 493 | 142 | -1 | 141 | 520 | 355 | 875 | ||||||
Jammu & Kashmir | 13,685 | 14,753 | 28,438 | 4,209 | 4,420 | 8,629 | 17,894 | 19,173 | 37,067 | 4,351 | 6,015 | 10,366 | ||||||
Jharkhand | 9,003 | 4,445 | 13,448 | 11,996 | 11,757 | 23,753 | 20,999 | 16,202 | 37,201 | 5,278 | 8,817 | 14,095 | ||||||
Karnataka | -6,096 | -5,047 | -11,143 | 4,802 | 3,575 | 8,377 | -1,294 | -1,472 | -2,766 | 38,475 | 30,061 | 68,536 | ||||||
Kerala | -10,823 | -6,550 | -17,373 | -3,628 | -316 | -3,944 | -14,451 | -6,866 | -21,317 | 24,865 | 17,020 | 41,885 | ||||||
Ladakh | 650 | 584 | 1,234 | 236 | 119 | 355 | 886 | 703 | 1,589 | 131 | 118 | 249 | ||||||
Lakshadweep | 11 | 11 | 22 | 37 | 20 | 57 | 48 | 31 | 79 | 3 | -11 | -8 | ||||||
Madhya Pradesh | -7,442 | -8,207 | -15,649 | 6,132 | 3,377 | 9,509 | -1,310 | -4,830 | -6,140 | 2,236 | 1,331 | 3,567 | ||||||
Maharashtra | 7,729 | 12,282 | 20,011 | 19,546 | 21,066 | 40,612 | 27,275 | 33,348 | 60,623 | 47,631 | 44,246 | 91,877 | ||||||
Manipur | 3,496 | 3,950 | 7,446 | 1,518 | 1,360 | 2,878 | 5,014 | 5,310 | 10,324 | 1,069 | 1,258 | 2,327 | ||||||
Meghalaya | 2,127 | 1,599 | 3,726 | 509 | 797 | 1,306 | 2,636 | 2,396 | 5,032 | 451 | 459 | 910 | ||||||
Mizoram | 265 | 154 | 419 | 99 | 97 | 196 | 364 | 251 | 615 | 14 | 14 | 28 | ||||||
Nagaland | 797 | 544 | 1,341 | 256 | 183 | 439 | 1,053 | 727 | 1,780 | 183 | 186 | 369 | ||||||
Odisha | 3,177 | 2,347 | 5,524 | 2,711 | 1,968 | 4,679 | 5,888 | 4,315 | 10,203 | 4,799 | 4,386 | 9,185 | ||||||
Puducherry | 86 | -26 | 60 | 7 | 147 | 154 | 93 | 121 | 214 | 33 | 69 | 102 | ||||||
Punjab | 5,773 | 5,262 | 11,035 | 3,194 | 2,640 | 5,834 | 8,967 | 7,902 | 16,869 | 1,583 | 1,166 | 2,749 | ||||||
Rajasthan | 31,675 | 25,658 | 57,333 | 19,318 | 15,189 | 34,507 | 50,993 | 40,847 | 91,840 | 17,757 | 13,227 | 30,984 | ||||||
Sikkim | 25 | 40 | 65 | 33 | 33 | 66 | 58 | 73 | 131 | 39 | -12 | 27 | ||||||
Tamilnadu | -1,412 | -1,239 | -2,651 | -1,432 | -1,144 | -2,576 | -2,844 | -2,383 | -5,227 | 5,248 | 3,213 | 8,461 | ||||||
Telangana | 8,216 | 5,213 | 13,429 | 11,484 | 8,926 | 20,410 | 19,700 | 14,139 | 33,839 | 9,136 | 7,849 | 16,985 | ||||||
Tripura | 774 | 448 | 1,222 | 745 | 586 | 1,331 | 1,519 | 1,034 | 2,553 | 528 | 1,070 | 1,598 | ||||||
Uttar Pradesh | 1,47,473 | 1,25,314 | 2,72,787 | 61,350 | 67,077 | 1,28,427 | 2,08,823 | 1,92,391 | 4,01,214 | 53,172 | 50,189 | 1,03,361 | ||||||
Uttarakhand | 6,099 | 3,468 | 9,567 | 4,953 | 3,249 | 8,202 | 11,052 | 6,717 | 17,769 | 2,869 | 2,155 | 5,024 | ||||||
West Bengal | 85,152 | 74,345 | 1,59,497 | -25,330 | -13,231 | -38,561 | 59,822 | 61,114 | 1,20,936 | 82,066 | 1,21,513 | 2,03,579 | ||||||
All India | 3,63,692 | 2,99,825 | 6,63,517 | 2,59,075 | 2,69,944 | 5,29,019 | 6,22,767 | 5,69,769 | 11,92,536 | 4,46,886 | 4,77,410 | 9,24,296 | ||||||
Source: Computed based on UDISEPlus 2020-21 & 2021-22 data. Negative figures in a few states is because of inconsistent enrolment data and consideration of all schools in computation of flow rates instead of common schools in 2020-21 & 2021-22.
Muslim Gross Enrolment Ratio at School Education in India (2021-22)
State-wise Muslim Gross Enrolment Ratio at School Education in India (2021-22)
Muslims Gross Enrolment Ratio at Higher Education Level (2020-21)
Muslim Gender Parity Index at Higher Education Level in India, 2016-17 to 2020-21
Average Annual Growth Rate: Muslim Enrolment in Higher Education
Share of Muslim Enrolment in Higher Education in India: 2016-17 to 2020-21
Muslim Students Transition Rate in India: Cohort 2018-19 to 2020-21