Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22 in India

Based on UDISEPlus 2020-21 and 2021-22 grade-wise enrolment and repeaters data, an attempt has also been made to compute the number of dropped-out boys and girls at primary, upper primary, elementary, and secondary levels of education, presented in the Table 26A reveals that a large number of Muslim students dropped-out from the system before the completion of an educational level.

The numbers further reveal that while fewer girls dropped out at the primary level of education, the same is not valid for the upper primary level. At the secondary level of education also, more girls (51.65 percent) dropped out than boys (48.35 percent). The data further reveals that 21,16,832 Muslim students dropped out in primary, upper primary, and secondary levels, of which 56.33 percent (11,92,536) dropped out in elementary classes.

Number of Muslim Students Droppedout at Elementary between 2020-21 & 2021-22

Number of Muslim Students Dropped-out at Elementary between 2020-21 & 2021-22

In elementary classes, more boys (52.22 percent) dropped-out than girls (47.78 percent), and the difference between the two is enormous and might have severe implications for Muslims to attain the status of elementary education for all and need quick action to check the high incidence of dropouts.

 Table 26A: Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22

Primary Level


Boys Girls


Number Dropped out 3,63,692 2,99,825 6,63,517
%age 54.81 45.19 100.00

Upper Primary Level




Number Dropped out 2,59,075 2,69,944 5,29,019
%age 48.97 51.03 100.00
Elementary Level
Boys Girls Total
Number Dropped out 6,22,767 5,69,769 11,92,536
%age 52.22 47.78 100.00

Secondary Level




Number Dropped out 4,46,886 4,77,410 9,24,296
%age 48.35 51.65 100.00




The state-specific number of Muslim children who dropped out presented in Table 26B reveals that at least eight states have more than 100 thousand students who dropped out in elementary and secondary classes between 2020-21 and 2021-22, which is considered huge. Large states, such as Bihar, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal, are crucial for India to attain the status of universal school education by 2030, as envisaged in NEP 2020 falls into such states.

Number of Muslim Students Droppedout between 2020-21 & 2021-22

Number of Muslim Students Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22

However, in a few states, the number of Muslim girls students dropped out is slightly lower than their boys counterparts. In West Bengal (1,20,936 students), Assam (2,60,343 students), and Uttar Pradesh (4,01,214 students) massive number of Muslim students, both boys and girls, dropped out before the completion of elementary level deserves quick action. While formulating annual plans under the flagship Samagra Shiksha, the massive number of Muslim children dropping out of the system must be prioritized, and initiate appropriate initiatives.

 Table 26B: Number of Muslim Children Dropped-out between 2020-21 & 2021-22


Primary Upper Primary Elementary Secondary

Primary to Secondary

Telangana 13,429 20,410 33,839 16,985 84,663
Gujarat 7,113 27,065 34,178 37,679 1,06,035
Jammu & Kashmir 28,438 8,629 37,067 10,366 84,500
Jharkhand 13,448 23,753 37,201 14,095 88,497
Bihar -38,572 76,005 37,433 99,601 1,74,467
Maharashtra 20,011 40,612 60,623 91,877 2,13,123
Andhra Pradesh 37,019 37,476 74,495 37,451 1,86,441
Rajasthan 57,333 34,507 91,840 30,984 2,14,664
West Bengal 1,59,497 -38,561 1,20,936 2,03,579 4,45,451
Assam 1,35,536 1,24,807 2,60,343 1,00,537 6,21,223
Uttar Pradesh 2,72,787 1,28,427 4,01,214 1,03,361 9,05,789
All India 6,63,517 5,29,019 11,92,536 9,24,296 33,09,368

More than the dropout rates, the transition rate from one to another level of education also plays a crucial role in moving toward school education for all.

  Table: Number of Muslim Students Dropped out (Between 2020-21 & 2021-22) at Different Levels of School Education: 2021-22


Primary Level   Upper Primary Level Elementary Level Secondary Level
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls   Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 126 61 187 2 13 15 128 74 202 40 50 90
Andhra Pradesh 20,725 16,294 37,019 19,915 17,561 37,476 40,640 33,855 74,495 19,631 17,820 37,451
Arunachal Pradesh 138 131 269 103 231 334 241 362 603 75 104 179
Assam 80,133 55,403 1,35,536 67,644 57,163 1,24,807 1,47,777 1,12,566 2,60,343 41,715 58,822 1,00,537
Bihar -22,151 -16,421 -38,572 31,628 44,377 76,005 9,477 27,956 37,433 41,990 57,611 99,601
Chandigarh -343 -184 -527 -19 -9 -28 -362 -193 -555 233 169 402
Chhattisgarh 1,739 1,808 3,547 1,543 1,008 2,551 3,282 2,816 6,098 846 778 1,624
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1 82 83 35 48 83 36 130 166 140 111 251
Delhi -11,787 -10,347 -22,134 408 -39 369 -11,379 -10,386 -21,765 7,109 5,157 12,266
Goa 64 -52 12 388 505 893 452 453 905 726 542 1,268
Gujarat 4,093 3,020 7,113 12,665 14,400 27,065 16,758 17,420 34,178 22,399 15,280 37,679
Haryana -9,358 -9,094 -18,452 1,748 2,568 4,316 -7,610 -6,526 -14,136 4,607 3,469 8,076
Himachal Pradesh -128 -224 -352 270 223 493 142 -1 141 520 355 875
Jammu & Kashmir 13,685 14,753 28,438 4,209 4,420 8,629 17,894 19,173 37,067 4,351 6,015 10,366
Jharkhand 9,003 4,445 13,448 11,996 11,757 23,753 20,999 16,202 37,201 5,278 8,817 14,095
Karnataka -6,096 -5,047 -11,143 4,802 3,575 8,377 -1,294 -1,472 -2,766 38,475 30,061 68,536
Kerala -10,823 -6,550 -17,373 -3,628 -316 -3,944 -14,451 -6,866 -21,317 24,865 17,020 41,885
Ladakh 650 584 1,234 236 119 355 886 703 1,589 131 118 249
Lakshadweep 11 11 22 37 20 57 48 31 79 3 -11 -8
Madhya Pradesh -7,442 -8,207 -15,649 6,132 3,377 9,509 -1,310 -4,830 -6,140 2,236 1,331 3,567
Maharashtra 7,729 12,282 20,011 19,546 21,066 40,612 27,275 33,348 60,623 47,631 44,246 91,877
Manipur 3,496 3,950 7,446 1,518 1,360 2,878 5,014 5,310 10,324 1,069 1,258 2,327
Meghalaya 2,127 1,599 3,726 509 797 1,306 2,636 2,396 5,032 451 459 910
Mizoram 265 154 419 99 97 196 364 251 615 14 14 28
Nagaland 797 544 1,341 256 183 439 1,053 727 1,780 183 186 369
Odisha 3,177 2,347 5,524 2,711 1,968 4,679 5,888 4,315 10,203 4,799 4,386 9,185
Puducherry 86 -26 60 7 147 154 93 121 214 33 69 102
Punjab 5,773 5,262 11,035 3,194 2,640 5,834 8,967 7,902 16,869 1,583 1,166 2,749
Rajasthan 31,675 25,658 57,333 19,318 15,189 34,507 50,993 40,847 91,840 17,757 13,227 30,984
Sikkim 25 40 65 33 33 66 58 73 131 39 -12 27
Tamilnadu -1,412 -1,239 -2,651 -1,432 -1,144 -2,576 -2,844 -2,383 -5,227 5,248 3,213 8,461
Telangana 8,216 5,213 13,429 11,484 8,926 20,410 19,700 14,139 33,839 9,136 7,849 16,985
Tripura 774 448 1,222 745 586 1,331 1,519 1,034 2,553 528 1,070 1,598
Uttar Pradesh 1,47,473 1,25,314 2,72,787 61,350 67,077 1,28,427 2,08,823 1,92,391 4,01,214 53,172 50,189 1,03,361
Uttarakhand 6,099 3,468 9,567 4,953 3,249 8,202 11,052 6,717 17,769 2,869 2,155 5,024
West Bengal 85,152 74,345 1,59,497 -25,330 -13,231 -38,561 59,822 61,114 1,20,936 82,066 1,21,513 2,03,579
All India 3,63,692 2,99,825 6,63,517 2,59,075 2,69,944   5,29,019 6,22,767 5,69,769 11,92,536 4,46,886 4,77,410 9,24,296

Source: Computed based on UDISEPlus 2020-21 & 2021-22 data. Negative figures in a few states is because of inconsistent enrolment data and consideration of all schools in computation of flow rates instead of common schools in 2020-21 & 2021-22.

Muslim Gross Enrolment Ratio at School Education in India (2021-22)

State-wise Muslim Gross Enrolment Ratio at School Education in India (2021-22)

Muslims Gross Enrolment Ratio at Higher Education Level (2020-21)

Muslim Gender Parity Index at Higher Education Level in India, 2016-17 to 2020-21

Average Annual Growth Rate: Muslim Enrolment in Higher Education

Share of Muslim Enrolment in Higher Education in India: 2016-17 to 2020-21

Muslim Students Transition Rate in India: Cohort 2018-19 to 2020-21