Codes, Concepts & Definitions of UDISEPlus: Types of Schools, Enrolment, Dropout, Transition & Retention Rates & More
Transformation of DISE to UDISE & UDISEPlus
UDISEPlus was earlier known as UDISE, and before that, DISE: District Information System for Education which had passed through many transformations ever since it was launched in 1994-95 when the Country launched one of the mega educational programs but which confined only to primary education as the District Primary Education Project at the time confined to only the primary education.
The DISE, launched to cater planning, monitoring, and implementation needs of the program, later extended to the elementary level of education when launching another nationwide program in 2001, namely the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. However, DISE took five years to reach every nook and corner of the Country during 2005-06 but still covers only the elementary level of education consisting of Grades 1 to 8.
During 2007-08, the Country launched another mega program, this time to cater to the need for secondary education for which Secondary Education MIS (SEMIS), the Online platform launched by the NIEPA, continued up to 2011-12 but in the offline mode. In response to recommendations of a committee headed by Prof. R. Govinda of NIEPA constituted by the then Ministry of Human Resource Development, the DISE and SEMIS were merged and given a new name, Unified-DISE.
From 1994 to 2017, DISE/UDISE was located in NIEPA, which nurtured it and acquired the status of Official Statistics w.e.f. 2012-13. At the same time, all parallel collection of information systems were abandoned. UDISE remained the only information system to collect information about the entire school education in India, consisting of Grades 1 to 12, irrespective of management. However, the Ministry of Education is now managing the UDISE from 2018-19 and renamed it Unified-DISE-plus.
During the journey from DISE to UDISE and then to UDISEPlus, the Data Capture Format (DCF) was modified and redesigned because of the program’s need, from DPEP to SSA to Samagra Shiksha. A few variables were added, and a few were removed because of which the data users need to know the UDISEPlus coding scheme, which is very important if longitudinal studies based on UDISE data are to be undertaken; because of which the present note, codes being presently assigned to schools along with the definitions of a set of indicators are presented which is based on the information being provided on the UDISEPLus platform.
Types of Schools
Government schools (Management Code – 1), Government schools managed by the Tribal Welfare Department (Management Code – 2), Government schools managed by the Local Body (Management Code – 3), Other State Government managed schools (Management Code – 6), Government schools managed by the Minority Affairs Department (Management Code – 7), Government schools managed by the Social Welfare Department (Management Code – 90), Government schools managed by the Ministry of Labour (Management Code – 91), Kendriya Vidyalaya/Central School (Management Code – 92), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (Management Code – 93), Sainik School (Management Code – 94), Railway School (Management Code – 95), Central Tibetan School (Management Code – 96), Other Central Government/PSU Schools (Management Code – 101), Government-aided schools (Management Code – 4), Private unaided recognized schools (Management Code – 5), Other schools (Unrecognized – Management Code Sl. No. 98: Madrasa (unrecognized)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)
GER is a measure of total enrollment in a particular level of school education, irrespective of age, expressed as a percentage of the population of the official age group corresponding to that level. It helps in understanding the level of participation in education.
Net Enrolment Rate (NER)
NER represents the percentage of pupils enrolled in a particular level of school education who are of the corresponding official age group. It provides insights into the enrollment status of children within the appropriate age range.
Adjusted Net Enrolment Rate (ANER)
ANER indicates the percentage of pupils enrolled either in the corresponding level or a higher level of school education who are of the corresponding official age group. It helps assess the overall enrollment situation, considering those enrolled in higher levels as well.
Age-Specific Enrolment Rate (ASER)
ASER represents the percentage of pupils enrolled in any level of school education who are of the corresponding official age group. It provides a broader view of enrollment across various age groups.
Percentage of OBC Enrolments to Total Enrolments
This metric indicates the proportion of enrolments belonging to the Other Backward Class (OBC) as a percentage of the total enrolments. It helps gauge the representation of OBC students in the education system.
Percentage of all minority Enrolments to Total Enrolments
This percentage represents the combined enrolment of all notified minority communities as a proportion of the total enrolment. It gives an overview of minority community representation in schools.
Percentage of Muslim Minority Enrolments to Total Enrolments
This percentage specifically highlights the enrolment of the Muslim minority community as a percentage of the total enrolment. It focuses on the representation of the Muslim community within the education system.
Promotion Rate
Promotion rate refers to the proportion of students from a cohort enrolled in a particular grade at a given school year who progress to the next grade in the following year. It measures the rate of promotion within the education system.
Repetition Rate
The repetition rate measures the proportion of students from a cohort enrolled in a specific grade at a given school year who remain in the same grade the following year. It helps assess the rate of grade repetition.
Dropout Rate
The dropout rate represents the proportion of students from a cohort enrolled in a particular grade at a given school year who do not continue their education and are no longer enrolled in any grade in the following year. It provides insights into the attrition or discontinuation of students from the education system. The dropout rate presented in the UDISEPlus Booklet is Average Annual Dropout Rate and is based on all schools and not common schools.
Retention Rate
Retention rate indicates the percentage of a cohort of pupils (or schools) enrolled in the first grade of a given level of education in a particular school year who are expected to reach the last grade of that level. It measures the level of retention and progress within the education system.
Gender Parity Index (GPI) of GER
GPI of GER is the ratio of the Gross Enrolment Ratio of girls to that of boys. It assesses the progress towards gender parity in education participation and learning opportunities, indicating the level of girls’ empowerment in society.
Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR)
PTR represents the average number of pupils per teacher at a specific level of education in a given school year. It helps evaluate the teacher-student ratio and the potential impact on classroom instruction and individual attention.