Samagra Shiksha: EMIS (UDISEPlus) Implementation Guidelines in Muzaffarpur District of Bihar (2024)

Samagra Shiksha State Report Card 2020-21: Bihar

By Arun C Mehta

Until 2017-18, it was an annual activity to bring out a set of 15 publications based on UDISE data all of which can be accessed at and one of such publications was Elementary Education in India: Progress towards UEE, Trends: Flash Statistics which was brought out by NUEPA, New Delhi for the period 2005-06 to 2015-16. Incidentally, no such publication was ever brought out thereafter which is otherwise termed as useful presenting information on all the aspects of universalization of elementary education for each of the 37 States & UTs as well as for the country as a whole annually over a period of ten years.

In the present note, an effort has been made to update the same based on UDISE+ data up to the year 2020-21; during the process, it has been observed that a few of the variables/indicators presented up to the year 2015-16 in this publication has been discontinued and no more available in the public domain given which such indicators are presented for all schools together (Grades 1 to 12) instead of primary or elementary level of education.

View below Samagra Shiksha State Report Card: Bihar 2020-21
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