To maintain an appropriate data-base for the district which may be required for various planning exercises aimed at the UPE/UEE/NLM goals and for monitoring progress towards these goals.
2. To conduct studies with a view to giving policy advice to educational planners/administrators/DBE regarding UEE/ NLM. Some of the important areas for such studies would be :
(i) Enrolment, retention and regularity of attendance of children and adult learners (especially females, SC/ST, minorities, handicapped, slum-dwellers and other disadvantaged groups) various factors affecting these.
(ii) Effect of various interventions (includingincentives) on the above.
(iii) Community’s perception of and participation in the process of basic education.
(iv) Development of norms, criteria and techniques for evaluation of Institutions (Schools and AE/NFE Centres) of the district. 02:51:042023-01-07 02:51:04What are the funstions of DIET planning & management branch?