5 Reasons Why Students Drop out of College
Everyone knows the stories of college graduates achieving great success in life.
Kanye West named his debut album after his college dropout and later achieved fame and success doing what he loved. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard twice and became one of the wealthiest people in the world. Oprah Winfrey also dropped out of the University of Tennessee to pursue a career in media – it was a win-win.
Just take a few college courses, find your passion, and then drop out to fully immerse yourself in the activity, thus becoming rich and famous!
Unfortunately, this kind of success story is more fantasy than reality for most of us. College dropouts earn 35 percent less than college graduates, an average of $21,000 (Around INR 1.68 million) less annually. What is worse, college drop-outs are two times as likely to live in poverty as college graduates.
The following is a look at some top reasons why students drop out of college.
Financial problems
About 89 percent of students from low-income families tend to drop out of college. The cost of tuition has skyrocketed in recent decades, and many students are forced to work full-time to support themselves and their families. Finding money or taking out large student loans can be a major hurdle.
Money problems can also arise when students discover the world of gambling. Many are first introduced to them in college and, due to lack of experience, blow a large amount of money. Often inexperienced students are attracted by free spins on registration, which many casinos give to newcomers. It seems that these bonuses increase the chances of winning, but they only attract customers and make them spend money.
Lack of time
One of the reasons students may drop out of college is the lack of a healthy balance between their personal life and their studies. The time spent on lectures, projects, and tests is too much. Tuition lasts several years, and many drop out because there is less time to get a degree. Even distance can hinder students from attending traditional colleges-moreover, people who live far away from campus account for 4 percent of dropouts.
Social Life
Did you know that 13 percent of students drop out because of social dynamics? College life can pressure students to fit into new social norms. For some, it can feel like a repeat of high school drama or, worse, a feeling of not being able to fit in with peers academically. Many who have returned to college after several years away are older than the rest of the student body.
Lack of support
Attending college requires a tremendous amount of dedication and self-determination. Even though it is necessary to cultivate drive and motivation, having support from friends and family is essential. Even the most driven person will sometimes want to give up in cases where the workload seems overwhelming. Lack of adequate family support is the reason for dropping out of college 9 percent of the time.
Academic Dis-qualification
College course-work can be challenging, and many students may find themselves unprepared or ill-prepared for the difficulties of college study. For example, 28 percent of students who drop out of college cannot cope with the academic demands of college.
Feeling frustrated with understanding new concepts and having to complete projects and homework assignments by deadlines only adds to this stress. Particularly in technical and advanced-level courses, it can feel like the material is being learned too quickly. All of this can lead to a terrible sense of hopelessness and anxiety.