State-wise List & Addresses of DIETs
As per the 2011 Census, there were 640 districts in the Country. As per Wikipedia, as of August 2022, there are 766 districts, up from the 640 in the 2011 Census of India and the 593 recorded in the 2001 Census of India. In this section, we make available a state-wise list and addresses of District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET). A fresh list of DIETs is not aware, and it is unknown out of 766 districts how many have got a DIET. It may also be known that the available list of DIETs was created before Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and Uttarakhand. However, the districts that had the DIET before the bifurcration may continue with the same even after creating new states.
State-wise List & Addresses of DIETS [download PDF]