NIEPA-Nepal Project
At the time when the NIEPA-NEPAL project on capacity building in the area of decentralised planning to develop district primary education plans in five pilot districts of NEPAL in 2001 was undetaken, a detailed review of then monotoring system was undertaken details of which is presented in this section many of the limitiations noticed at that time might have improved now. In one of the another exercise at that time, Mr. Shailendra P. Sigdel who later became UNESCO-UIS Statistical Regional Advisor suggested a framework to development EMIS in Nepal so that the same can be used in formulating district primary education plan in NEPAL. Users are once again reminded that many of the limitations observed at the time of initiating NIEPA-NEPAL project in 2001 might have improved by now.
EMIS in Nepal and its Use in District Plan Formulation
By Shailendra P. Sigdel
Definition of EMIS
- An overall system for providing relevant and timely information to decision makers
- A systematic process that transforms input in the form of raw data into output comprising mainly of timely and useful information
- A systematic process of transforming education data to reliable valid and timely information which can be used for decision making in the educational planning and policy development process.
- A systematically organized group of information and documentation services that collects, processes, stores, analyses and disseminates information for educational planning and management and aids in the use of such information.
Systems approach to educational management information
EMIS in Nepal
Following agencies are responsible for collecting, compiling and disseminating educational information
- School level EMIS – DOE
- Higher Secondary – HSEB
- Technical Vocational – CTEVT
- Higher education – University Grants Commission
- Non formal Education – NFEC
Roles and Responsibilities
- Recording and reporting of educational data to RC
Resource Centers
- Distribution of school data collection form to schools, collection of data collection form from schools
- Provide training and other necessary technical support to schools
- Disseminate Educational Statistics at Resource Center level
District Education Office
- Printing and distribution of school data collection form to RCs
- collection of data collection form from RCs preparation and reporting of district levels statistics to the RED and other data requesters
- Disseminate educational statistics at RC level
Regional Education Directorate
- Collection of educational data from districts
- Preparation and publication of regional statistics
- Reporting of regional statistics to the DOE and other data requesters
Department of Education
- Finalization of all types of data collection form, collection of statistics from REDs by district
- Processing and analysis of educational statistics by district, publication and dissemination of educational statistics to different users.
- work as focal center for school level EMIS and coordinate with other agencies, assist in developing EMIS related policies and plan and implement EMIS activities, development, management and maintenance of computerized database
Ministry of Education
- Responsible for coordinating EMIS activities in the country.
- Its mandated to coordinate all sub sectoral EMIS centers
- Stated from 1962
- Use in development plans and annual plans for targeting and monitoring
- Easy to collect
- Formal organizational arrangement
- Routine task
- Used by different agencies
- Need of improvement in two way data flow
- Timeliness
- Quality/Reliability
- Data storage and retrieval system is weak at district and sub district level
- Purpose wise data collection
Information generated by EMIS
- General information of schools
- name, address of schools
- approval and permission date
- Physical
- ownership, number and type of school buildings
- condition of school building
- dimension of classrooms
- educational and physical facilities available in the school and its condition
- Type of school and class running
- public schools receiving HMG grant
- Community school (utilizing local resources)
- Private boarding schools
- School opening days (Month wise)
- No of school opening days
- No of days conducted class
- No of students of previous academic year
- preprimary and primary level
- lower secondary
- secondary
- higher secondary
- No of students of current academic year
- preprimary and primary level
- lower secondary
- secondary
- higher secondary
- Class and sex wise new entrants, repeaters, promoters and drop outs
- Age and class wise enrolment or current academic year
- preprimary and primary levels
- lower secondary and secondary levels
- new entrants from NFE and pre primary/ECD classes
- Details of students from disadvantaged caste
- preprimary and primary level
- lower secondary and secondary levels
- higher secondary
- No of disabled students of current academic year according to type of disabilities
- preprimary and primary level
- lower secondary and secondary levels
- higher secondary
- Examination details
- Number of students appeared and passed in each grade of examination previous academic year
- Number of dalits students appeared and passed in each of grade examination previous academic year
- Details of various scholarship granted previous year
- Previous year’s financial statement
- Teacher’s Information
- total number of approved post for male and female teachers in each level
- name, type of employment, qualification, trainings etc.
- locality of teachers, appointment, transfer, resignation and termination of teacher
- School management committee, formation, female members and no of meetings in last year.
Use of information in DEP
- Diagnosis – situation analysis, sharing with communities, strategies
- Planning – base line, progress, target
- Monitoring – change from base line, (context, input, process, output, outcomes and impact)
- Forecasting – class rooms, teachers, schools, textbooks
- Cost estimate – financial and human resource requirements
What is an indicator
- Indicators are statistics specially put together to provide information on the functioning of the education system and are related to the objectives of the education system
- Indicators are often compared to a norm or a standard or to a previous score
- Indicators help us to understand what is working in the system and what is not working in the system and further help us to interpret by asking relevant questions as to why the system is not functioning well and how it can be improved.
How indicators should be selected?
- Policy
- Objectives
- Programs and strategies
Characteristics of a good indicator
- Information for policy makers
- Summary of information
- Comparable (from base line to present status, between schools, VDCs/MCs, RCs, Districts, Regions and Countries, Regional and Global
- Reliable and validity (Methodology and its impact on result)
- Updateable
Universal Access
- Distance between household and schools (1km,? 2km? 15 min? 20min?)
- Served population (habitation – 300, 500, 700, ….?)
- No of teacher (per school 1 for PP and 3 for primary/STR 40-45-50 for M, H, T, and V districts)
- Physical infrastructure (space, classroom, veranda, furniture, play ground, drinking water, toilet, library, laboratory , etc)
- Educational materials (curriculum, textbooks, reference books blackboard, guide books, etc)
Universal Participation/Enrolment
Admission Rate
- Gross intake
- Net intake (age specific)
Enrolment rate
- Age specific enrolment for grade 1-5
Disaggregated Information (girls, disadvantaged, children with all kind of disabilities, VDC, Habitation, household, etc.)
- regularity – daily, monthly (teacher, student at classroom and school)
Universal Retention
- promotion, repetition and dropout rate
- survival rate
- completion rate
- transition rate
Universal Achievement
- time utilization and methods of teaching and evaluation
- graduation rate (minimum level of learning – Nepali, English, Local language, Math, Science, Social study, Art and sports, etc)
- Per child expenditure (between VDCs, VDCs and MCs, between MCs, between districts, between regions in context of national level)
- effective and functional schools as per the classification
NIEPA-NEPAL Project on District Level Planning
Module on Computation of Cohort Dropout Rates under NIEPA-NEPAL Project
NIEPA-NEPAL Cooperation on Decentralised District Level Planning of Education