What is the size of child population as per School Education in India?

Age-specific Projected Child Population



6 to 10 Years 11 to 13 years
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
2019-20 62093000 56354000 118446400 37587800 34760400 72346800
2020-21 62147000 55998000 118144200 37063400 34386200 71448400
2021-22 62201000 55642000 117842000 36539000 34012000 70550000
Change over the Previous Year -302200 -898400

14 to 15 Years


16 to 17 Years

2020-21 48900200 50056400
2021-22 48425000 49647000
Change over the Previous Year -475200 -409400

             Source: UDISE+ 2019-20, 2020-21& 2021-22, DoSE&L, Ministry of Education