What are the major issues in Indian education?

  • Unequal access to education: One of the main challenges facing the Indian education system is unequal access to education. This is due to a number of factors, including poverty, caste, gender, and location.
  • Lack of quality education: Even when children have access to education, the quality of education is often poor. This is due to a number of factors, including unqualified teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and lack of resources.
  • High dropout rates: The dropout rate in India is high, especially among girls and children from marginalized communities. This is due to a number of factors, including poverty, lack of interest in education, and early marriage.
  • Brain drain: India is facing a brain drain, as many of its best and brightest students are leaving the country to pursue higher education and better job opportunities abroad. This is a major loss for India, as it deprives the country of its human capital.
  • Inflation: Inflation is rising in India, which is making it more difficult for families to afford education. This is especially true for families from marginalized communities.