Statement I, Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India Educational Survey Data

Arun C. Mehta

List of Tables
Table 1 : Total Number of Habitations and Estimated Population: 1986-87 & 1993-94
Table 1a : Rural Habitations Having Population of 300 or More and Served By Primary Schools/Sections: 1986-87 & 1993-94
Table 2 : Rural Habitations Served by Primary School/Sections, All India: 1993-94
Table 3 : Number of Un-served Habitations and NFE Centres: 1993-94
Table 4 : Rural Population Served by Schools/Sections 1993-94
Table 5 : Rural Habitations Served by Upper Primary Schools/Sections, All India: 1993-94
Table 6 : Rural Habitations Having Population of 500 or More and Served by Upper Primary Schools/Sections: 1986-87 & 1993-94


Table 1 : Total Number of Habitations and Estimated Population

States/UTs Total Number of Habitations Estimated Population (In `000) Estimated Child Population 1993-94 (In `000)
1986-87 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94 6-11 11-14
Andhra Pradesh 57583 62905 46285 69555 9320 4799
Arunchal Pradesh 3237 3834 684 921 125 61
Assam 31803 41179 19653 3417 1730
Bihar 102137 109858 878 91105 13584 6578
Goa 2465 788 1223 120 81
Gujarat 24390 25749 27008 43228 5386 3017
Haryana 7577 7589 11665 17639 2355 1325
H.P 30678 35003 4527 5490 647 404
J & K 14628 15176 5404 8835 1134 578
Karnataka 41980 48813 30013 47717 6093 3412
Kerala 6181 8745 24175 30117 3000 1931
Madhya Pradesh 106291 102276 46146 69560 9307 4807
Maharashtra 63728 72465 45497 92269 11358 6228
Manipur 2614 3369 1199 1943 236 137
Megahalaya 5337 6576 1480 1940 269 141
Mizoram 616 705 429 753 94 58
Nagaland 997 1277 766 1370 179 104
Orissa 69530 73148 25937 33368 4268 2262
Punjab 13492 13345 13736 21396 2516 1457
Rajasthan 51764 63970 31435 46429 6714 3468
Sikkim 1206 1407 312 458 62 36
Tamil Nadu 47392 45139 35634 57080 6307 3710
Tripura 6300 6802 2278 2934 406 213
Uttar Pradesh 228690 212125 102437 145227 20593 10413
West Bengal 59633 96511 45394 72864 9640 5130
A & N Islands 565 601 184 308 39 22
Chandigarh 23 36 47 697 75 42
D & N Haveli 434 489 111 148 19 10
Daman & Diu 64 67 56 105 12 8
Delhi 200 271 631 9823 1168 624
Lakshadweep 7 15 23 55 7 4
Pondicherry 322 379 332 850 91 57
All India 981864 1060612 524356 875407 118541 62847

Note   : Totals  may not tally due to rounding of figures.

Source: NCERT (1992, 1995 and 1998).

Table 1a : Rural Habitations Having Population of 300 or More and Served By Primary


States/UTs Number of Habitations (Population 300 & More) Served within Habitation (%) Served up to 1 km.
1986-87 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94
Andhra Pradesh 34979 37945 92.74 91.86 97.70 97.51
Arunchal Pradesh 574 666 80.31 83.03 87.80 90.69
Assam 21579 24372 78.38 65.80 92.71 89.02
Bihar 63131 69647 73.70 69.95 95.05 94.32
Goa 1037 504 59.59 87.10 91.61 95.83
Gujarat 19798 20810 96.50 96.03 99.23 98.32
Haryana 6456 6566 94.02 91.04 98.81 97.17
Himachal Pradesh 3587 4003 64.12 62.35 89.41 87.68
J & K 5807 6606 83.90 84.97 94.06 93.75
Karnataka 26055 26596 92.89 92.08 97.36 97.15
Kerala 6066 8316 75.16 64.29 88.34 83.54
Madhya Pradesh 51108 57203 87.92 87.04 95.69 94.75
Maharashtra 36910 39716 93.12 91.47 98.37 96.22
Manipur 1262 1604 88.99 82.04 98.18 95.26
Megahalaya 1566 1704 89.34 83.39 95.79 94.01
Mizoram 407 444 97.79 93.92 98.28 95.27
Nagaland 709 919 98.59 88.79 99.58 93.36
Orissa 29333 31153 82.76 79.91 96.24 96.13
Punjab 10763 10896 96.26 89.90 99.58 99.17
Rajasthan 28746 31733 87.09 86.66 90.83 93.05
Sikkim 346 484 83.53 73.55 90.46 85.95
Tamil Nadu 32071 31090 80.15 70.53 95.44 99.43
Tripura 2372 2779 58.52 56.06 86.72 86.79
Uttar Pradesh 102238 111604 47.61 49.62 86.01 85.64
West Bengal 42230 52253 73.07 54.76 96.71 91.94
A & N Islands 171 207 72.51 70.53 88.30 81.16
Chandigarh 21 30 90.48 83.33 100.00 93.33
D & N Haveli 99 152 65.66 50.66 89.90 88.82
Daman & Diu 45 47 60.00 59.57 93.33 100.00
Delhi 199 254 95.48 67.72 100.00 88.19
Lakshadweep 6 13 100.00 76.92 100.00 100.00
Pondicherry 239 274 82.00 64.60 98.74 97.08
All India 529910 580590 77.03 73.24 93.72 93.03

Source: Same as Previous Table.

Table 2 : Rural Habitations Served by Primary School/Sections  All India : 1993-94

Population Slabs
5000 &


2000-4999 1000-1999 500-999 300-499 300 &




Within Habitations
No. of Habitations 6853 49524 110430 158391 100046 425244 102807 528051
% 96.3 93.6 88.3 74.3 54.8 73.2 21.4 49.8
 Population (Million) 49.7 141.1 151.6 112.8 39.1 494.3 19.0 513.3
% 96.2 93.9 88.9 75.5 55.9 83.5 28.0 77.8
Upto 1 Km.
No. of Habitations 7062 52004 121545 199640 159899 540150 343939 884089
% 99.2 98.3 97.2 93.7 87.6 93.0 71.7 83.4
 Population (Million) 51.3 147.8 166.0 140.4 61.6 567.1 51.5 618.5
% 99.3 98.3 97.3 94.0 88.0 95.8 75.9 93.8
Total No. Habitations 7119 52928 125046 213059 182438 580590 480022 1060612
Total Population (Million) 51.7 150.3 170.6 149.3 70.0 591.9 67.8 659.7

Source: Same as Table 1.

Table 3 : Number of Unserved Habitations and NFE Centres: 1993-94

State Total Number of Habitations Number of  Unserved Habitations* % of Unserved Habitations Habitations with NFE(Primary) Centres % of Habitations having NFE Centres to Unserved Habitations Estimated Population of Unserved Habitations (`000) Population of Habitations with NFE Centres % of Population Served by NFE Centres to Population of Unserved Habitations
Andhra Pradesh 62905 7189 11.43 252 3.51 1210 79518 6.57
Arunchal Pradesh 3834 2030 52.95 33 1.63 178 3737 2.10
Assam 41179 5879 14.28 505 8.59 2429 352524 14.51
Bihar 109858 13388 12.19 80 0.60 3549 32155 0.91
Goa 788 95 12.06 1 1.05 22 174 0.79
Gujarat 25749 1093 4.24 0 0.00 345 0 0.00
Haryana 7589 529 6.97 0 0.00 203 0 0.00
Himachal Pradesh 35003 14197 40.56 4 0.03 1205 900 0.07
J & K 15176 2962 19.52 147 4.96 504 32958 6.54
Karnataka 48813 7932 16.25 0 0.00 1105 0 0.00
Kerala 8745 1554 17.77 20 1.29 2288 33888 1.48
Madhya Pradesh 102276 18664 18.25 2891 15.49 3458 665477 19.24
Maharashtra 72465 11432 15.78 13 0.11 2136 21408 1.00
Manipur 3369 410 12.17 52 12.68 83 15528 18.71
Megahalaya 6576 1573 23.92 161 10.24 190 20596 10.84
Mizoram 705 85 12.06 2 2.35 17 599 3.52
Nagaland 1277 160 12.53 0 0.00 56 0 0.00
Orissa 73148 12859 17.58 1905 14.81 1797 366803 20.41
Punjab 13345 571 4.28 0 0.00 102 0 0.00
Rajasthan 63970 16259 25.42 619 3.81 2666 161029 6.04
Sikkim 1407 359 25.52 0 0.00 69 0 0.00
Tamil Nadu 45139 623 1.38 0 0.00 175 0 0.00
Tripura 6802 1668 24.52 0 0.00 371 0 0.00
Uttar Pradesh 212125 42704 20.13 3781 8.85 13269 1967753 14.83
West Bengal 96511 11875 12.30 0 0.00 3587 0 0.00
A & N Islands 601 270 44.93 4 1.48 41 1075 2.62
Chandigarh 36 5 13.89 1 20.00 5 12 0.24
D & N Haveli 489 88 18.00 0 0.00 18 0 0.00
Daman & Diu 67 3 4.48 0 0.00 0.45 0 0.00
Delhi 271 37 13.65 2 5.41 62 12196 19.67
Lakshadweep 15 1 6.67 0 0.00 0.064 0 0.00
Pondicherry 379 29 7.65 0 0.00 7 0 0.00
All India 1060612 176523 16.64 10473 5.93 41147.51 3768330 9.16

Note   : * Habitations without Primary Schools/Sections within 1.0 km.

Source: Same as Table 1.

Table 4 :  Rural Population Served by Schools/Sections 1993-94

State Primary Schools/


Upper Primary Schools/Sections
Number of Habitations Population(In `000) Within Habitation Upto 1 Km. Within Habitation Up to 3 Km.
1993-94 1986-87 1993-94 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94
Andhra Pradesh 62905 50842 92.45 97.30 97.62 42.99 79.18 79.43
Arunchal Pradesh 3834 804 70.12 73.35 77.87 33.13 42.20 54.39
Assam 41179 21335 66.27 93.57 88.61 22.40 83.29 87.16
Bihar 109858 79130 77.19 95.86 95.51 27.13 88.30 88.33
Goa 788 726 91.77 90.60 97.01 63.94 91.80 92.87
Gujarat 25749 28270 97.12 99.45 98.78 76.79 94.43 94.48
Haryana 7589 13311 94.47 99.37 98.47 64.70 93.12 93.26
Himachal Pradesh 35003 5016 45.07 76.64 75.97 17.33 76.04 78.22
J & K 15176 6599 82.68 90.70 92.37 38.41 85.99 86.78
Karnataka 48813 32349 91.11 97.24 96.58 60.86 89.78 91.42
Kerala 8745 22160 76.67 94.39 89.68 50.54 96.22 91.84
Madhya Pradesh 102276 53580 84.67 92.92 93.55 31.36 69.58 72.60
Maharashtra 72465 51118 90.65 97.95 95.82 61.08 88.46 87.64
Manipur 3369 1409 82.26 97.39 94.12 37.25 80.19 82.24
Megahalaya 6576 1579 74.05 89.22 87.97 25.57 64.99 69.50
Mizoram 705 409 94.30 98.28 95.77 77.58 82.85 83.38
Nagaland 1277 1137 92.36 99.45 95.05 47.76 66.41 74.54
Orissa 73148 28705 76.10 92.83 93.74 34.21 83.35 87.88
Punjab 13345 14882 90.83 99.59 99.32 45.41 92.49 89.68
Rajasthan 63970 35796 85.39 92.90 92.55 46.96 77.00 79.00
Sikkim 1407 416 65.59 83.11 83.44 26.38 76.20 79.01
Tamil Nadu 45139 37647 77.16 96.02 99.53 35.36 84.07 87.78
Tripura 6802 2476 55.43 84.12 85.00 24.92 86.31 85.89
Uttar Pradesh 212125 116390 60.50 88.07 88.60 21.69 81.88 82.09
West Bengal 96511 51734 61.22 97.38 93.07 14.16 82.79 87.51
A & N Islands 601 226 70.45 83.01 81.75 44.37 73.57 77.03
Chandigarh 36 121 89.86 99.67 96.07 47.15 100.00 99.30
D & N Haveli 489 136 40.05 85.19 86.83 10.07 65.33 76.05
Daman & Diu 67 58 72.25 94.78 99.22 63.67 99.44 100.00
Delhi 271 1000 81.93 100.00 93.83 58.31 98.60 99.05
Lakshadweep 15 24 86.32 100.00 99.73 73.29 99.16 98.74
Pondicherry 379 306 74.75 99.02 97.68 43.73 96.48 95.76
All India 1060612 659691 77.81 94.45 93.76 37.02 83.98 85.00

Source: Same as Previous Table.

Table 5 :  Rural Habitations Served by Upper Primary Schools/Sections All India : 1993-94

Population Slabs
5000 & Above 2000-4999 1000-1999 500-999 500 & Above Below 500 Total
Within Habitations
No. of Habitations 6089 34244 47130 33312 120775 26365 147140
% 85.53 64.70 37.69 15.64 30.33 3.98 13.87
 Population (Million) 44.65 100.25 67.19 24.68 236.77 7.45 244.22
% 86.40 66.71 39.38 16.53 45.37 5.40 37.02
Upto 3 Kms.
No. of Habitations 6984 49618 107523 169239 333364 474292 807656
% 98.10 93.75 85.99 79.43 83.73 71.60 76.15
 Population (Million) 50.76 141.58 147.5 118.91 458.75 102.02 560.77
% 98.22 94.22 86.45 79.65 87.91 74.01 85.01
Total No.  Of Habitations 7119 52928 125046 213059 398152 662460 1060612
Total Population (Million) 51.68 150.27 170.61 149.29 521.85 137.84 659.69

Source: Same as Previous Table.

Table 6 : Rural Habitations Having Population of 500 or More and Served by Upper Primary Schools/Sections

State/UTs Number of Habitations (Population 500 & More)     Served within Habitation (%) Served upto 3 Km. (%)
1986-87 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94 1986-87 1993-94
Andhra Pradesh 25477 28148 26.60 29.09 75.97 74.45
Arunchal Pradesh 271 366 38.01 48.09 56.46 73.22
Assam 14968 15167 23.01 23.31 84.65 88.00
Bihar 44821 50783 19.98 20.73 88.70 88.24
Goa 565 368 28.50 53.26 93.63 90.49
Gujarat 15869 16662 65.88 68.59 91.90 92.30
Haryana 5696 5946 40.98 44.43 89.36 89.17
Himachal Pradesh 1478 1661 34.17 34.02 90.19 92.41
J & K 3164 3830 40.36 39.35 92.38 90.76
Karnataka 18555 19280 49.12 54.54 87.65 89.11
Kerala 5911 7952 51.16 38.52 94.42 89.59
Madhya Pradesh 30155 36350 26.73 27.33 70.35 72.04
Maharashtra 26416 28714 50.98 54.10 85.22 84.25
Manipur 831 947 42.60 43.08 90.37 90.39
Megahalaya 681 642 41.12 42.52 78.85 81.46
Mizoram 251 266 89.64 86.09 92.43 89.47
Nagaland 474 636 39.03 43.24 64.56 70.13
Orissa 16671 18393 36.86 39.28 88.90 91.73
Punjab 8700 8997 33.20 31.50 90.87 86.71
Rajasthan 19457 21631 38.21 39.55 72.31 76.68
Sikkim 149 229 45.64 41.48 83.89 83.84
Tamil Nadu 23231 23252 25.55 25.79 82.26 85.55
Tripura 1471 1555 31.14 30.16 93.88 92.80
Uttar Pradesh 61664 71967 16.88 17.01 80.95 80.89
West Bengal 30973 33703 14.53 12.03 82.91 87.66
A & N Islands 105 135 50.48 51.85 82.86 82.96
Chandigarh 19 30 57.89 46.67 100.00 96.97
D & N Haveli 34 48 11.76 18.75 82.35 89.58
Daman & Diu 33 37 42.42 54.05 100.00 100.00
Delhi 194 240 43.81 41.67 97.42 98.75
Lakshadweep 6 13 100.00 69.23 100.00 100.00
Pondicherry 197 204 35.53 34.31 95.43 95.10
All India 358487 398152 29.78 30.33 82.94 87.91

Source : Same as Previous Table.

Forty Years of Arun C Mehta at NIEPA: 1980 to 2019 (e-Book)

Forty years of Arun C Mehta at NIEPA: 1980 to 2019

Times of India, New Delhi, 21st September 2021

UDISE, Interview of Prof. Arun C Mehta in Times of India, New Delhi, 21st September 2021