Review of SSA: Press Information Bureau Government of India
Review of SSAThursday, May 08, 2008 |
Ministry of Human Resource Development | |||||
14:24 IST | |||||
Elementary Education being the foundation of pyramid in the education system has been accorded high priority. To ensure “Education for All” the Department of School Education and Literacy has a multi pronged approach. Two flagship programmes are being implemented viz. the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and the Mid-Day Meal Programme (MDM). While the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan aims to achieve universal elementary education of satisfactory quality by 2010, the MDM supports it by way of enhancing attendance of children and simultaneously improving their nutritional status. Owing to increase in the number of students completing at elementary stage, there is a surge in demand for secondary education. It is, therefore, essential to be prepared to meet it through improving access at secondary level. Also, the challenges of non-literacy adult population have to be squarely met by adequately revamping our basic literacy programmes. The funding pattern of SSA has been modified in a tapering off ratio between the centre and the Sates. Starting with the ratio of 65:35 in the first two years of 11th Plan it will become 50:50 in 2011-12 (last year of the 11th Plan). The strategy will be to close the infrastructure gaps as well to improve the quality of learning in government and government-aided schools in which more than 80% of our children study. Under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan we have not only been able to improve access to 98% at primary level but have also been able to reduce out of school children to 3-4% of 6-14 age cohort. During the X Plan the basic infrastructure has improved through the opening of 1.87 lakh schools, appointment of 8.12 lakh teachers, construction of 1.70 lakh buildings & 7.13 lakh additional classrooms. Also, 1..72 lakh drinking water facilities and 2.18 lakh toilets have been created. Due to the efforts made under the SSA, the access to schools has improved to 98% of habitations at primary level and 86% at upper primary level. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has improved enrolment by 25 million between 2001 to 2005, thereby reducing the out of school children to 3-4%, hardest to reach in the 6-14 age group. The dropout rates at primary level are declining and that of girls is declining more sharply. The gender parity has improved from 0.81 (2001-02) to 0.93 at the elementary stage of education. The transition rate from primary to upper primary (class V to VI) has improved to 83.72%. More emphasis is being given to quality under the SSA, as specific provision for learning enhancement programme, remedial teaching and emphasis on teacher training is being placed. In fact, 50% of the SSA outlay is now going towards quality. Till now 2180 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) have been sanctioned in Educationally Backward Blocks. Seeing the successful implementation of scheme, 410 new KGBVs will be set up in blocks/ urban areas uncovered hitherto. At primary level 9.7 cr. children under Mid-Day Meal Scheme are being covered. Since 1st October, 2007 the scope of scheme has been enlarged to include upper primary schools in educationally backward blocks which will cover additional 1.7 cr. children. All Government and Government aided schools and Employment Guarantee Scheme(EGS)/Alternative & Innovative Education(AIE) Schemes under MDM are being covered from 2008-09 onwards. To provide access to secondary education with special focus on the weaker sections of the society, the educationally backward, the girls, the disabled, children residing in rural areas and other marginalized categories like SC, ST, OBC and Educationally Backward Minorities (EBM) are to be given special attention. Not only universal enrolment, but universal retention and satisfactory quality of learning should also be a priority. New initiatives during the 11th Five Year Plan for Secondary Education are, inter-alia,
In a nutshell, the strategies for entire school education are aimed at:
The XI Plan outlay for Higher Education is roughly Rs. 85,000 cr. which marks an over 9 times increase (at current prices) over the X Plan expenditure. Priorities for Higher Education in the XI Plan are expansion of access (i.e. of institutional infrastructure), equity (i.e. to ensure effective participation of disadvantaged groups, and to correct regional imbalances), improvement of quality, and optimal use of Information & Communication Technology to promote achievement of these objectives. The XI Plan aims, inter alia, to increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio for the 18-24 years age group to at least 15% by the end of the Plan period. The major initiatives which will be implemented in the XI Plan are:
The XI Plan would also accord priority to promote research of high quality across the Higher Education system, regular updating of curricula and emphasis on regular evaluation, enhancing coverage of the accreditation process, and introduction of necessary reforms in apex institutions like the University Grants Commission (UGC) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) so as to make them more responsive to current and future challenges and needs. The National Board of Accreditation of India has been admitted as a provisional member of the Washington Accord during 2007. With this, Indian students graduating from programmes which are accredited by the National Board of Accreditation of the All India Council for Technical Education will have easier access to education and employment opportunities in member countries of the Accord like USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, Korea and Singapore. The National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions was set up by the present Government in 2004 through an Act of Parliament. The Act was also subsequently amended to strengthen this body. The Commission has, over the last 3 years or so, granted certificates of minority status to about 1000 educational institutions. A national level Committee under the Minister of HRD is regularly monitoring minorities’ education and giving valuable inputs for the formulation and implementation of the Ministry’s policies and programmes for minority education. The present Government has paid special attention to the educational needs of the North Eastern Region. Every single State of this region now has a Central University (with Assam having two). Besides the existing IIT at Guwahati, an IIM will, as mentioned earlier, start functioning in the year 2008 through temporary premises at Shillong. Also, besides the older NIT at Silchar, an NIT has been established in Tripura and establishment of a third NIT in the region (in Manipur) is under active consideration. |