Research Under District Primary Education Programme (DPEP)
In this section research undertaken on the banner of DPEP has been presented. Each district of covered under the DPEP were provided funds annually to undertake research studies but only a few districts could launched the studies. In addition to districts and states, a good number of studies were also undertaken at the national level by the institutions, such as NIEPA, New Delhi. It may be recalled that DPEP was much more organized than the similar programmes launched by the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education.
Not only the research studies were undertaken but the planning methodology adopted was rigorous in addition to which a number of pre-planning activities were also launched. It may also be of interest to know that the District Information System for Education (DISE) was also launched under the aegis of DPEP which has now become Unified-DISE (UDISE) and has acquired the status of the Official Statistics.
- Universalisation of Upper Primary Education: An Analysis of Present Status and Future Requirements
- Universalisation of Upper Primary Education: An Analysis of School Facilities and Cost Implications
- School Mapping: An Analysis of Educational Facilities in Dhenkanal District, Orissa, India
- Local Bodies and Planning for Education
- Trends in Activities and Utilization of Financial Resources under the DPEP: A Study of Assam, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh
- How Much do Children Learn in Primary School. A Study of Waynad District, Kerala, India
- Functioning of Village Education Committees: A Study of Selected Village Education Committees in Haryana, India
- Three Years of DPEP: Assessment and Challenges
- Access and Retention: The Impact of DPEP
- Three Years of DPEP and Learners Achievement, 1997
- Trends in Access and Retention (NEW)
- Three Years of DPEP and Learners Achievement, 1995
- Mid-Term Assessment Survey: Learners Achievement, 1997
- Mid-Term Assessment Survey: Learners Achievement, 2000 (NEW)
- Education Development in India with Focus on Elementary Education by Arun C Mehta, NUEPA Occasional Paper No 24, 1997
- Education for All in India with Focus on Elementary Education by Arun C Mehta, NUEPA Occasional Paper No 30, 2002
- Status of UEE in the Light of NCERT Sixth All India Educational Survey Data by Arun C Mehta, NUEPA Occasional Paper No 27, 1999
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