Proposed action
7.8.3 While any insistance on imposition of rigid uniformity or martinet discipline will not be in consonance with the general tenor of NPE, and the process to be followed in creating the new educational order has to be participatory, it is incumbent upon us to develop a clear approach to this crucial task. The essential aspects of this task are the following:
i) The functioning of the school administrative set up will be studied to find out the difficulties inherent in the system. The school administrative set up will be made alert and responsive so that they can correct the defects in the system. The people involved in educational administration will be trained and motivated to make the system under them work by inspiring the teachers and students. NCERT, NIEPA, SCERT and DIETs will intensify their training programmes for educational administrators for this purpose.
ii) People will be involved in the process of education in their surroundings. This could be done through micro planning. This will ensure teachers’ accountability to the society and community’s accountabilities to the schools system.
iii) Steps will be taken to improve the working environment of the teachers. Teachers and teachers’ representatives will be involved in planning and implementing the educational schemes at various levels. They may be made members of Committees at different levels set up by the Government for the review of the progress made in the education department schemes.
iv) Greater autonomy will have to given to the teachers to manage the affairs of the school.
v) Students will be provided basic amenities such as drinking water, toilets, sports equipment, etc.
vi) Students eligible for scholarships and other incentives should receive them in time.
vii) Minimum basic facilities should be provided to all primary and upper primary schools under the scheme of OB.
viii) Central and State organizations such as NCERT, NIEPA, SCERT, etc. will determine criteria for assessment of performance of elementary education schools. An incentive scheme may also be worked out for the schools and community in order to motivate them to achieve the goal of UEE. This may be done at the block and district levels.