National Achievement Surveys NCERT: 2017 & 2021
Despite significant achievement in the filed of school education in India over a period of time, quality of education, in terms of students achievement is still a major area of concern because of which all programmes of Government of India, including the flagship Samagra Shiksha/Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan centered around improving quality of education. Traditionally Achievement Surveys in India are being conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), initially for Grade I, III and V, which was later extended to Grade VIII and recently to Grade X. The same was initiated in 1994-95 under the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) covering 272 districts across 18 states of India. In this section, reports generated by the NCERT over a period of time has been presented.
Importance of Hard Spots in School Education Quality in India (UDISEPluse 2021-22)
Despite improvement, quality of education remain the main concern so far as the School Education in India is concerned because of which efforts are now being made under the Samagra Shiksha to further improve the quality of education. In addition to NCERT achievement surveys, an international NGO, namely PRATHAM also used to conduct Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) but its methodology is different than NCERT Achievement Survey. ASER is a Household survey and NCERT survey the unit of data collection is school details of both surveys have been presented in this section.
- Class V: Mid-Term, National Survey
- Class V: National Survey, Executive Summary
- Class III: National Survey, Executive Summary
- National Student’s Achievement Survey, Class III, 2014 (NCERT)
- National Student’s Achievement Survey, Class V, 2012 (NCERT)
- National Student’s Achievement Survey, Class VIII, 2012 (NCERT)
- SSA Quality Monitoring Tools (NCERT, 2005)
- NCERT Quality Monitoring Tools, 2013
- National Report on Quality Intervention in Elementary Education (NCERT)
- CCE Implementation Report (NCERT, 2013)
- Regional Report on Workshop on Quality Monitoring Tools (NCERT, 2013)
- Impact of tutoring on Learning Levels by Accountability Initiative (Ambirsh Dongre & Vivbhu Tewary)
- Annual Assessment of Education Report: 2006 to 2014, ASER, Pratham
- Annual Assessment of Education Report: 2014, ASER, Pratham
- Achievement Surveys under SSA
- National Achievement Survey (NAS, NCERT): Grade III, V & VIII, 2017
- Learning Outcomes at Elementary Stage (NCERT), 2017
- National Achievement Survey (NAS, 2017, NCERT): National Report to inform Policy, Practices & Teaching Learning
- Pratham Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2019, ASER (Early Years)
- Pratham Annual Status of Education Report (Rural), Wave1, October 2020 (ASER)
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