Launching UDISEPlus 2024-25 data by updating students records for 2023-24

UDISEPlus 2022-23 & 2023-24 Analysis by Prof. Arun C Mehta [PDF]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Based on the UDISE+ 2022-23 & 2023-24 Analysis

UDISEPlus National Data during 2020-21 and 2023-24 [PDF]

Digital Infrastructure in Schools: Challenges and Progress in India: Analysis based on UDISEPlus 2023-24 Data [2025]

UDISE+ 2022-23 & 2023-24: Preliminary Analysis*

Arun C Mehta, Formerly Professor & Head of the EMIS Department, NIEPA, New Delhi 

About 1.5 crore children in Classes 1-8 dropped out between 2021-22 & 2022-23 and 54 lakh between 2022-23 & 2023-24

  • After a gap of more than two years, the UDISE+ 2022-23 and 2023-24 data was released by the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, on 30th December 2024. The year 2021-22 data was released on 30th November 2022. The new publications are titled Report On Unified District Information System Plus: 2022-23 and 2023-24 and are available on its official portal, i.e., and for both the Existing as well as for the NEP Structures. The portal also has the provision to download tables and microdata on specific parameters, including schools, infrastructure, enrollment, and teachers.
  • The Reports for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 briefly present analysis at the all-India level and state-specific statements for all the States & Union Territories. It may be recalled that the Ministry has been managing UDISEPlus from 2018-19, and the present Report is the fourth and fifth in the series before which UDISE was conceptualized, managed, and nurtured between 1994-95 and 2017-18 by NIEPA. It is hoped that with this publication, the Ministry will consider bringing out the rest of the publications brought out in the past by NIEPA from 2005-06 to 2017-18.
  • The UDISEPlus, as per the NEP Structure, presents various indicators as per the restructured school sector recommended by NEP, i.e., Preparatory, Foundational, Upper Primary, and Secondary phases, and is a welcome step and will be helpful while formulating Annual Plans under Samagra Shiksha. Another UDISEPlus Report for 2022-23 and 2023-24 presents data based on the existing structure and is similar to those brought out from 2018-19 to 2020-21.
  • One of the significant departures from the past UDISE data is the change in the Date of Reference, which historically used to be 30th September, but for the first time, the data for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24 both are reported as 31st March 2024 as cut-off date?. How can the cut-off date of both reports be the same, i.e., 31st March 2024?
  • The UDISEPlus reports for 2022-23 and 2023-24 indicate that individual student-wise data has been attempted for the first time at the national level, marking a shift from the school-wise consolidated data used until 2021-22. As a result, the data in the 2022-23 and 2023-24 reports is not directly comparable with previous reports on various educational indicators, although the data within these reports themselves remains comparable. Upon analysing the 2022-23 UDISEPlus report, released on 30th December 2024, it become evident that dropout, transition, and retention rates are calculated using grade-wise enrolment data from 2021-22. While the 2022-23 report emphasizes that its data is not comparable with that of 2021-22, it still relies on the 2021-22 data to calculate several efficiency metrics, including dropout rates at various educational levels.
  • At one time, the time lag in educational statistics at the national level was typically one year, but this delay has been increasing; this may be attributed to the detailed student data collection introduced as part of UDISEPlus in 2022-23. It is hoped that the time lag will be significantly reduced, as only Grade I enrollment data will need to be collected anew. The document states that student data collection is being done for the first time at the national level, which is factually incorrect. NIEPA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, began collecting student data in alignment with UDISE for the first time during the 2016-17 data collection. Individual student records covering more than 220 million students were recorded during this period, primarily using Aadhaar numbers.
  • The Reports mentioned that the Ministry of Education assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the data and indicators reported in the document as the Report is based on voluntary uploading of data by the schools having active UDISE+ codes, which somewhat discourages users from using data which is otherwise very rich in nature and the only source of information so far as the school education in India is concerned.
  • Instead of making UDISE+ data for 2022–23 to 2024–25 available in one go, the Department of School Education and Literacy under the Ministry of Education should have disseminated the data in a phased manner, as was done in the past. The reason why the data for the year 2022-23 was held for over a year is not known. This shift in data dissemination practices has hindered the ability of users to conduct in-depth analyses and assess the current state of school education in India. A more transparent and systematic approach is needed to ensure accountability and facilitate evidence-based planning.
  • The UDISEPlus portal should also present enrollment and efficiency indices at the disaggregated levels, such as block and district, so that they are used in annual work plans.

Here are some quick observations.

Age-specific Child Population

UDISE+ 2022-23 and 2023-24 enrolment indicators are based on moderated official child population provided by the Report of the Technical Group on Population Projections, National Commission on Population, Ministry of Health, and Family Welfare (July 2020); the moderation is based on the latest trends of SRS birth rate, saturation reports of UIDAI based on Aadhar enrolment and the trends of adjoining States in case of smaller States & UTs is a step in the right direction but in the absence of 2021 Census, it is rather difficult to correctly project child population including the SC and ST children in the current years. The same dramatically changed once the more recent census figures were available; even the existing enrollment ratios may have changed.

The projected child population reveals that the 6 to 13-year-old population declined to 186.36 million in 2023-24 from 187.30 million in 2022-23, thus showing a decline of 937 thousand in absolute terms or 0.51 in percentage form. The secondary age population, i.e., 14 to 15 years, declined by 28,38,18, and that of the higher secondary age group, i.e., 16 to 17 years, by 59,14,26.

The projected population suggests that India has a total child population aged 6 to 17 years, which is the tune of 282 million in 2023-24; the same in 2021-22 was 286 million. The progress in the enrolment ratio, if any, is partially also because of the decline in the clientele population.

Table 1: Age-specific Projected Child Population

  6 to 10 Years 11 to 13 years
Year Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
2019-20 62093000 56354000 118446400 37587800 34760400 72346800
2020-21 62147000 55998000 118144200 37063400 34386200 71448400
2021-22 62201000 55642000 117842000 36539000 34012000 70550000
2022-23 62278594 54618540 116897134 36978787 33420625 70402494
2023-24 61250534 54763343 116013877 36806827 33541400 70348227
Change over the Previous Year -8,83,257 -54,267
 Total Total16 to 17 Years
14 to 15 Years
2020-21 48900200 50056400
2021-22 48425000 49647000
2022-23 47919989 48887349
2023-24 47636171 48295923
Change over the Previous Year -2,83,818 -5,91,426

Source: UDISE+ various years reports, DoSE&L, Ministry of Education

UDISE+ Statistical Tables

  • None of the UDISE+ 2022-23 and 2023-24 tables have time-series information; without this, one has to refer to individual year data to be downloaded from the portal or used from the PDFs. At least Table 1, presenting National Highlights of UDISE+ 2023-24 data, must also contain 2021-22 and 2022-23 data, allowing users to compare and view the progress made over time instantly.
  • No state-specific analysis of its implications for India’s efforts towards universal school enrolment has been viewed or commented on; this is important because of the NEP 2020 resolution to attain universal school enrolment by 2030. The Report failed to flag issues that need immediate attention from planners. However, a few geographical maps depicting educational facilities and other indicators found a place in the reports.
  • UDISEPlus 2022-23 and 2023-24 Reports have added a few new variables, such as the average number of teachers per school (national level, seven teachers), average enrolment in a school (169 students), schools without enrolment (12,954, 0.88 percent)), Teachers in schools having zero enrolment (31,981 teachers), single-teacher schools (1,10,971 schools, 7.54 percent), enrolment in single-teacher Schools (39,94,097 students, 1.70 percent of total 235 million students), percentage of schools in enrolment slabs, etc. is a welcome step and give food for thought to planners which, if analysed at the disaggregated levels, would reveal many interesting facts having a significant impact on universal school education.
  • The percentage of schools in enrolment slabs presented in the UDISEPlus Report indicates that of the 14,71,891 schools in 2023-24, about 56.7 percent (8,34,562 schools) have less than 100 students, and 6.6 percent have even 500 or more students. Further, the data reveals that 4.6 percent (67,707 schools) of the total schools have less than 10 students compared to 7.2 percent of schools (1,05,976 schools) between 11 to 20 students, 8.8 percent of schools (1,29,526 schools) having enrolment between 21 to 30 students, which reveals that every fifth school in India has enrolment up to 30 students (20.6 percent); thus indicating a need for separate planning methodology for small schools which are in large numbers.
  • The UDISE+ 2024-25 Report must present the entry/intake rate as comprehensive information about enrolment in Grade I and the corresponding single age-6 child projected population is now available. Meaningful planning is not expected without analysing the entry rate (boys & girls, and SC and ST); bringing all children of age six under the education umbrella is necessary to move towards universal school education, as envisaged in the NEP 2020.

 UDISEPlus 2022-23 & 2023-24: Coverage of Schools

 Total Schools declined by 17,224 schools (1.16 percent) during 2021-22 and 2023-24 & 87,012 schools (5.58 percent) between 2017-18 to 2023-24

  • Like UDISE+ 2021-22, UDISE+ 2022-23 & 2023-24 Reports are silent on detailed analysis of the number of schools covered, especially on the declining number of schools covered under UDISEPlus over time.
  • The total number of schools and schools run under Government and Private unaided management shows a decline in 2023-24 from the previous year, i.e., 2022-23. From a year earlier, the total number of schools in 2022-23 declined by 23,006, 1.54 percent of the total schools in the previous year. However, the same increased by 5,782 schools in 2023-24. As many as 14,89,115 schools were covered under UDISEPlus 2021-22, compared to which the same declined to 17,224 schools (1.16 percent) during the latest year 2023-24.
  • In a year before UDISE shifted to the Ministry of Education, as many as 15,58,903 schools were covered under UDISEPlus in the year 2017-18 compared to which UDISEPlus now has a lesser number of schools in 2023-24, and the decline was to the tune of 87,012 schools which is -5.58 percent of the total schools in 2017-18 but no explanation is presented in the Report on reasons behind the decline in coverage of schools under UDISEPlus. Is the decline due to schools closing down or merging schools with no information in the public domain?
  • Not only has the total number of schools declined, but the same is true for schools under government management, which declined by a hoping -76,883 schools (-7.02%) in 2023-24 from its previous level of 2017-18. However, the Report is silent about the decline in government schools, which is alarming in a few states (see Table 3). The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education must furnish reasons for the decline in schools, the criteria used, and whether the RTE 2009 norms of distance were followed.
  • Further, recognized private unaided schools gradually increased to 3,31,108 in 2023-24 but are also not free from sharp fluctuations. The UDISEPlus Reports do not present the number of schools over time; hence, no explanation is furnished for the decline in the number of schools. This UDISEPlus Report just stated that the Report is based on voluntary uploading of data by the schools, and the responsibility for the accuracy of the data rests with authorities at different levels other than the authorities at the national level. How the nodal data collecting authority at the National level does not have any responsibility is a moot question.
Table 2: Number of Schools (All Schools): All-India






Total Number of Schools Increase/ Decrease


%age Change


Total Government Schools Increase/ Decrease Total Private Unaided Recognised Schools Increase/ Decrease


2017-18 15,58,903  10,94,543    
2018-19 15,51,000 -7,903 -0.5  10,83,747 -10796 3,26,228         4,027
2019-20 15,07,708 -43,292 -2.8 10,32,570 -51177  3,37,499 11,271
2020-21 15,09,136 1,428 0.09 10,32,149 -521 3,43,314 5,815
2021-22 14,89,115 -20,021 -1.33 10,22,386 -9663 3,35,844 -7470
2022-23 14,66,109 -23,006 -1.54 10,16,010 -6376 3,23,430 -12,414
2023-24 14,71,891 5,782 0.39 10,17,660 1650 3,31,108 7,678
Change during 2021-22 to 2023-24


-17,224 -1.16   -4726 -4736 -1.41
Change during 2017-18 to 2023-24



-87,012 -5.58 -76883


4880 1.50%
Source: UDISE & UDISEPlus Reports for different years.

Regional Disparities in School Numbers

The state-wise changes in school numbers provide crucial insights that potentially impact educational access and quality.

  • Jammu & Kashmir experienced the most significant percentage decline in total schools (15.65%), with a loss of 4,509 schools overall and also a severe decline in government schools (-18.94%), which has a potential impact on access and enrollment ratios. Assam (4,229 schools,  6.95%),  Uttar Pradesh (2,967 schools, -1.15%), Madhya Pradesh (2,170 schools, -1.73%), Maharashtra (1,368 schools, -1.25%), Andhra Pradesh (575 schools, -0.93%) etc. too experience decline in the number of schools all of which give a decline of (17,224 schools, -1.16%) at the all-India level.

The analysis reveals significant regional disparities in school infrastructure changes, with border and north-eastern states experiencing more severe impacts. When viewed alongside enrollment and efficiency indicators, these changes suggest the regional uneven effects of school closure, greater resilience in the government sector, and potential challenges for universal education goals. Therefore, they emphasize the need for region-specific interventions.


Table 3: Number of Schools (All Schools): All-India

State All Schools Change Government Schools


2021-22 2023-24 Absolute %age 2021-22 2023-24 Absolute %age
J & K 28805 24296 -4509 -15.65 23173 18785 -4388 -18.94
Assam 60859 56630 -4229 -6.95 45490 45000 -490 -1.08
Uttar Pradesh 258054 255087 -2967 -1.15 137024 137102 78 0.06
Madhya Pradesh 125582 123412 -2170 -1.73 92695 92439 -256 -0.28
Maharashtra 109605 108237 -1368 -1.25 65639 65157 -482 -0.73
Andhra Pradesh 61948 61373 -575 -0.93 45137 45000 -137 -0.30
All India 1489115 1471891 -17224 -1.16 1022386 1017660 -4726 -0.46

Source: UDISEPlus, different years.

Share of Schools, Enrollment, and Teachers

The distribution of schools, enrollment, and teachers (Table 3a) across different educational levels in India for 2022-2023 highlights some critical areas that need attention regarding resource allocation.

Table 3a: Share of Schools, Enrolment, and Teachers

All India, 2023-24

Level In Schools In Enrolment In Teachers
Primary 50.0 48.7 24.0
Upper Primary 29.4 25.4 28.6
Secondary 9.8 14.9 16.2
Higher Secondary 10.8 10.9 31.1

Source: UDISEPlus 2023-24

  1. Disproportionate Distribution of Teachers: A significant observation is the imbalance between the distribution of teachers and student enrollment across levels. Although Primary education has the highest share of enrolled students (48.7%) and schools (50.0%), it only has 24.0% of the teaching workforce; this suggests a potential gap in teacher availability at the foundational stage, which could affect the quality of education in Primary schools.
  2. Upper Primary and Higher Secondary Levels: The Upper Primary level has a relatively high share of teachers (28.6%), possibly because this is a critical phase of education where children transition from basic learning to more complex subjects. Similarly, the Higher Secondary level, with 31.1% of teachers, reflects the need for specialized instruction, which likely requires more teachers to cater to different subjects.
  3. Secondary Education: Although the number of schools (9.8%) and enrollment (14.9%) at the Secondary level is significant, the teaching share (16.2%) is relatively moderate; this could indicate that the focus on teacher allocation at secondary levels may not be as intensive as at the upper primary or higher secondary levels despite the considerable number of students in this phase.

The analysis suggests that there may be a need for more balanced resource distribution across all levels to improve educational outcomes and ensure equity in access to quality education across the country. Disaggregated analysis by states will reveal more about resource distribution.


School enrollment in India has never been free from limitations, which is valid for UDISEplus data, especially between 2018-19 and the latest years, 2021-22 to 2023-24. A steep decline mars the enrollment data, which makes it challenging to ascertain the trends in enrollment.

Table 4: Level-specific Enrolment: 2020-21 & 2023-24














Change in 2022-23 over 2021-22 %age



 in 2023-24 over 2021-22





Primary 122021291 121842250 112421298 107837711 -9420952 -7.73 -14004539 -11.49
Upper Primary 65854199 66790692 63477866 63126015 -3312826 -4.96 -3664677 -5.49
Elementary 187875490 188632942 175899164 170963726 -12733778 -6.75 -17669216 -9.37
Secondary 39006375 38528631 37934094 36863791 -594537 -1.54 -1664840 -4.32
Higher Secondary 26922596 28579050 27790658 27135514 -788392 -2.76 -1443536 -5.05
Total, 1 to 12 253804461 255740623 241623916 234963031 -14116707 -5.52 -20777592 -8.12

Source: UDISE+ The highest-ever total enrolment recorded was 26,05,96,960 reported in 2015-16.

Enrollment Trends (2017-2024): Grades I to XII

Total Enrollment: The most striking feature is the decline in total enrollment from 255.7 million in 2021-22 to 241.6 million in 2022-23, representing a decrease of 14.1 million students (5.5%). The decline continued into 2023-24, reaching 235 million Grades I to XII students. During 2021-22 to 2023-24, total enrolment in Grades I to XII declined by 20.8 million (8.13 percent) and that of 6.7 million (2.77 percent) during 2022-23 to 2023-24. It may be recalled that the highest-ever total enrolment in Grades I to XII was 261 million students in 2015-16, which declined sharply in the following year because of student data collection in sync with UDISE during 2016-17 data collection.

Government Management: Initial increase from 131.7 million in 2017-18 to 140.5 million in 2021-22 but sharp declined to 133.8 million in 2022-23 (-6.7 million students) and further decrease to 124.3 million students in 2023-24. Government share in the total school enrolment fluctuates from 52.5% in 2017-18 to 54.94% in 2021-22 and 52.88% in 2023-24. The UDISEPlus Reports are silent on the sharp increase or dip in total enrolment or under government management.

Private Unaided Management: Growth from 83.3 million in 2017-18 to 88.9 million in 2019-20 but declined to 77.1 million in 2022-23 but recently recovered to 80.9 million in 2023-24. The share of Private Unaided management was 33.19% in 2017-18, which declined to 31.93% in 2022-23 and increased to 34.42% in 2023-24.

The significant enrollment decline in 2022-23 appears to be primarily attributed to improved data collection methodologies initiated through the SDMIS. Implementing multiple parameters for student verification has likely eliminated Duplicate enrolments, Ghost students, Inflated enrollment figures, and Outdated or incorrect records. The new data collection system suggests that previous enrollment figures may have been overestimated by approximately 5-6%, which indicates a more realistic picture of actual school enrollment.

Therefore, the fundamental question arises: Why has there been a decline of 6.7 million in enrollment (primary to higher secondary) within just one year, which happened even after the implementation of SDMIS in its second year, i.e., 2023-24? Is this decline due to:

  • Are fake or duplicate enrolments being purged?
  • Students who were previously only registered in school records but were not physically attending school? or
  • Is enrollment now more realistic than it was in the past years? Or is the decline in enrolment because of the smaller number of schools covered under UDISEPlus, from 14,89,115 schools in 2021-22 to 14,66,109 schools in the following year, i.e., 2022-23?

This unexplained decline makes it exceedingly difficult to assess the current state of school education in India. The inconsistency in the time-series enrollment data appears unrealistic and raises critical concerns for data users and planners. The UDISEPlus portal is silent on the steep decline in enrollment, nor is there an explanation for the declining number of schools covered under UDISEPlus or whether the decline is due to merging or closing down of schools.

Another pressing question is: What has happened to the 20.8 million students (between 2020-21 and 2023-24) who are no longer reflected in the UDISEPlus data? Were they previously included as part of inflated figures for funding or incentive purposes (e.g., scholarships, free meals, textbooks, or cash benefits)? If so, how much funding was allocated for these students, and was it effectively utilized?

It is imperative to investigate whether these children were receiving incentives in the past and, if so, how such a significant number has vanished from the enrolment records. The number of students in a state is primarily one of the criteria for funding under Samagra Shiksha. An amount of Rs. 32,515 Crore (actual)  was incurred on the implementation of Samagra Shiksha in 2022-23, during which total enrolment in Grades I to XII was declined by a hoping 14.12 million. In the current financial year, i.e., 2024-25, an amount of Rs. 37,010 crore is budgeted for Samagra Shiksha.

Detailed data, including student-specific information (except sensitive information), should be made available in the public domain to understand the reasons for the decline and its implications for the education system. Maybe the Ministry of Education sought an explanation from the Office of the State Project Directors, which is accountable for the correctness of UDISEPlus data, about the steep decline in a few states. Only then can effective measures be implemented to address gaps and ensure progress toward achieving universal education goals by 2030.

Level-Specific School Enrollment Trends: 2020-21 to 2023-24

Significant changes across management types and educational levels characterize school enrollment in India.

Primary Level (Grades 1-5)

  • The most significant absolute decline: 14.0 million (11.49%) students from 2021-22 to 2023-24; this accounts for approximately 67% of the total enrollment decline in enrolment during the same period.
  • Government schools are likely most affected due to their higher share in primary education.
  • Significant impact on universal elementary education goals
  • Suggests possible over-reporting in previous years, particularly in government schools

Upper Primary Level (Grades VI-VIII)

  • Enrolment at the upper primary level experienced a decline of 3.7 million students (-5.49%). It has a moderate impact compared to the primary level and is a bit stable compared to primary education.
  • The decline in upper primary enrolment is distributed across management types.
  • Private unaided schools show better retention at this level of education and
  • Private Aided schools maintain relatively stable enrollment.

Secondary & Higher Secondary Levels

  • Enrolment at the secondary level declined by 1.7 million students (-4.32%), and it has better retention than elementary levels and private unaided schools, maintaining a more substantial presence.
  • Enrolment at higher secondary level declined by 1.4 million students (-5.05%), is more resilient than at lower levels and shows comparative strength.

Impact of SDMIS on Enrolment by Levels

  • The primary level shows the highest correction and suggests previous overreporting is most prevalent in early grades.
  • Data quality improvement is more significant in government schools and
  • While the decline presents immediate challenges for universal education goals, the improved data accuracy provides a more reliable foundation for future planning and interventions.

Enrollment Ratios

Recent trends in enrollment ratios reveal significant challenges in achieving universal education goals. The data shows concerning declines across multiple indicators, particularly after 2021-22, coinciding with SDMIS.

Primary Level

  • The Gross Enrolment Ratio declined from 103.4% in 2021-22 to 93% in 2023-24, thus showing a sharp drop of 10.4 percentage points, which indicates a significant over-age enrollment reduction.
  • The Net Enrolment Ratio at the Primary level decreased from 92.7% in 2020-21 to 79% in 2023-24, thus showing a substantial decline of 13.7 percentage points and suggesting serious concerns about age-appropriate enrollment, which has profound implications for universal primary education.
  • In the line of NER, the Adjusted NER fell from 99.1% in 2021-22 to 85.9% in 2023-24, which indicates a declining coverage.
  • The age-specific enrolment ratio (6 to 10+ years) also shows a similar trend, declining from 99.1% in 2021-22 to 85.3% in 2023-24.

Upper Primary Level

  • The Gross Enrolment Ratio at the Upper Primary level declined from 94.7% in 2021-22 to 89.7%  in 2023-24, which indicates a moderate decline compared to the primary level but still concerning for transition effectiveness.
  • The NER at the Upper Primary level declined from 74.1% in 2020-21  to 66% in 2023-24, indicating a significant age-grade mismatch. However, the Age-specific enrolment ratio amongst 11 to 13 years shows better retention (89.2% in 2023-24).

Secondary Level

  • The Gross Enrolment Ratio at the Secondary level is relatively stable but declined from 79.8% in 2020-21 to 77.4% in 2023-24, but NER is stabilizing around 48%. The age-specific enrolment ratio (14 to 15 years) is showing improvement (77% in 2023-24), which is encouraging.

Higher Secondary  Level

  • The GER at the Higher Secondary level shows a modest decline from 57.6% in 2020-21 to 56.2% in 2023-24, but the NER is stable but low at 33.8%. On the other hand, the Age-specific enrollment ratio shows significant improvement and stands at 75.5% in 2023-24.

The analysis reveals significant challenges in achieving universal enrollment by 2030. The declining enrollment ratios, particularly at the primary level, require immediate attention and intervention. While improved data quality provides a more accurate picture, it highlights the considerable gap between current status and universal education goals.

Table 6: Enrolment Ratio: All-India, 2020-21  to 2023-24

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Primary  103.3 103.4 96.2 93.0  92.7 88.6 80.6 79.0
Upper Primary  92.2 94.7 90.2 89.7  74.1 71.3 64.8 66.0
Elementary  99.1 100.1 93.9 91.7  92.1 90.5 85.5 83.3
Secondary  79.8 79.6 79.2 77.4  52.5 47.9 47.6 48.3
Higher Secondary  53.8 57.6 56.8 56.2  34.7 34.2 33.8 33.8
Level Adjusted NER ASER*
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Primary  98.6 99.1 89.1 85,9  98.6 99.1 (6-10 years) 89.1 85.3
Upper Primary  84.4 87.3 77.8 76.2  91.6 92.2 (11-13 years) 89.9 89.2
Elementary  96.0 96.5 89.4 87.2  96.0 96.5 (6-13 years) 89.4 86.7
Secondary  61.8 64.7 60.9 60.5  73.4 72.8 (14-15 years) 76.3 77.0
Higher Secondary  –  –  –  –  46.3 42.4 (16-17 years) 46.8 75.5
Source: UDISE+ different years *ASER: Age-specific enrolment ratio.




Table 7: Gender-Specific Gross Enrollment Ratios, 2023-24
Level GER, 2023-24
Boys Girls Total


Primary: Grades I to V 91.8 94.3 93.0


Upper Primary: Grades VI to VIII 88.9 90.6 89.7


Elementary: Grades I to VIII 90.7 92.9 91.7


Secondary: Grades IX & X 76.8 78.0 77.4


Higher Secondary: Grades XI & XII 54.4 58.2 56.2


Source: UDISEPlus 2023-24

Gender-Specific Gross Enrollment Ratios, 2023-24

  • The UDISE+ data for 2023-24 reveals noteworthy patterns in educational enrollment across different levels of schooling in India, with particular emphasis on gender disparities. At the elementary level (Grades I-VIII), the overall Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) stands at 91.7%, with girls (92.9%) outperforming boys (90.7%) by 2.2 percentage points. This trend is consistent across primary (Grades I-V) and upper primary (Grades VI-VIII) levels, where girls maintain higher enrollment ratios.
  • The data indicates a concerning downward trend in enrollment as students progress to higher levels of education. While primary education shows robust enrollment with a GER of 93.0%, there is a significant decline at the secondary level (77.4%) and an even steeper drop at the higher secondary level (56.2%). This pattern suggests substantial student attrition in the transition from elementary to secondary and higher secondary education.
  • Notably, the gender gap in enrollment favours girls across all educational levels, with the most pronounced difference observed in higher secondary education, where girls’ GER (58.2%) exceeds boys’ (54.4%) by 3.8 percentage points. This trend represents a positive shift in gender parity in Indian education, particularly considering historical challenges in girls’ education.
  • These findings suggest that while India has made substantial progress in achieving near-universal elementary education and improving gender parity, significant challenges remain in retaining students through higher levels of education. Further policy interventions may be necessary to address the sharp decline in secondary and higher secondary enrollment.

School Efficiency Indicators: Dropout Rate increased at Primary & Upper Primary levels in 2021-22 to 2023-24


The efficiency indicators presented in UDISEPlus 2022-23 and 2023-24 Reports present all necessary indicators required to assess the retaining capacity of the school education system. Indicators through which one can judge the efficiency of the education system are presented at the all-India and state levels, but the same at the district and block levels are missing from its official portal. An increase in dropout rates across educational levels may adversely affect efforts toward universal school education (Table 8).

The UDISEPlus dropout rates at different levels of education are computed based on all schools instead of common schools, which had been a practice from 2005-06 to 2017-18, which produced an underestimate of the dropout rate. In 2023-24, as many as eight states at the primary and four at the upper primary level reported zero dropout rate, which is negative but reported zero. The UIDSE+ authorities may like to switch to the previous methodology adopted and present flow rates based on common schools. Or they highlight the benefit of considering all schools, if any, instead of common schools.

  Table 8: Efficiency Indicators
Indicator 2021-22 Boys Girls Total 2019-20 2020-21 2022-23 2023-24, Total 2023-24, Boys 2023-24, Girls
Dropout Rate    
Primary 1.6 1.4 1.5 1.5 0.8 7.8 1.9 2.1 1.7
Upper Primary 2.7 3.3 3.0 2.6 1.9 8.1 5.2 5.2 5.3
Secondary 13.0 12.3 12.6 16.1 14.6 16.4 14.1 15.5 12.6
Transition Rate    
Primary to Upper Primary 93.1 93.4 93.2 92.8 92.1 87.9 88.8 88.4 89.2
Elementary to Secondary 89.7 87.8 88.8 91.4 91.3 86.7 83.3 83.7 82.9
Secondary to Higher Secondary 77.6 79.3 78.4 71.6 73.3 71.3 71.5 69.1 73.9
Retention Rate    
Primary (1 to 5) 94.9 96.0 95.4 87.0 95.3 90.9 85.4 85.1 85.7
Elementary (1 to 8) 80.5 82.1 81.2 74.6 80.9 75.8 78.0 77.3 78.9
Secondary (1 to 10) 64.9 64.5 64.7 59.6 61.5 65.5 63.8 63.1 64.6
Higher Secondary (1 to12) 43.1 44.2 43.6 40.2 42.8 44.1 45.6 43.8 47.5
             Source: UDISE+, different years.


Dropout Rates

  • The dropout rate at the Primary levels shows a sharp increase from 0.8% in 2020-21 to 7.8% in 2022-23 but moderated to 1.9% in 2023-24. More Boys (2.1%) used to drop out at this level of education than Girls (1.7%).
  • The dropout rate at the Upper Primary level significantly rose from 1.9% in 2020-21  to 8.1%  in 2022-23 but stabilized at 5.2% in 2023-24. However, minimal gender difference is observed between 2022 and 23.
  • The dropout rate at the Secondary level increased from 12.6% in 2021-22 to 16.4%  in 2022-23 but improved to 14.1% in 2023-24. Data shows a notable gender advantage for girls (12.6%) compared to their male counterparts (15.5%).

Dropout Numbers: 2022-2023 vs. 2023-2024

For the combined Elementary level (Primary (9,503,696 students) + Upper Primary (5,543,627 students), the number of students who dropped out in 2022-2023 was 1,50,47,323, compared to 54,36,853 in 2023-2024; this reflects a 64% reduction in the number of students leaving school across the elementary level. The decline is a positive sign, indicating better retention efforts at the early stages of education, although the absolute numbers still point to significant attrition that requires attention. However, the figures also reveal that retention challenges remain, particularly at the Secondary level. To further improve retention, policies, and programs focusing on financial support, better infrastructure, and enhanced academic support are necessary to ensure that students can continue their education through to completion.

Table 9: Estimated Number of Children Dropped out between 2021-22 & 2022-23, All India Level
Level  Enrolment, 2021-22 Dropout Rate, 2022-23 Children Dropped out

between 2021-22 & 2022-23

Primary 121842250 7.8 9503696
Upper Primary 66790692 8.3 5543627
Elementary 188632942 15047323
Secondary 38528631 16.4 6318695
Higher Secondary 28579050
Total, I to XII 255740623 Total Dropped out in Grades I to X              21366018
Estimated Number of Children Dropped out between 2022-23 & 2023-24, All India Level
Level  Enrolment, 2022-23 Dropout Rate, 2023-24 Children Dropped out

between 2021-22 & 2022-23

Primary 112421298 1.9 2136005
Upper Primary 63477860 5.2 3300849
Elementary 175899158 5436853
Secondary 37934094 14.1 5348707
Higher Secondary 27790658
Total, I to XII 241623910 Total Dropped out in Grades I to X 10785561

Source: Enrolment & Dropout Rates, UDISEPlus 2021-22 to 2023-24 Reports

Transition Rates

  • Transition rates play an important role in achieving the goal of universal school education. However, the same from primary to upper primary level of education declined from 93.2% in 2021-22 to 88.8% in 2023-24. More girls transit from primary to upper primary level (89.2% girls and 88.4% for boys), and a downward trend in the transition rate is an area of concern.
  • Not only a drop in the transition rate from primary to upper primary level is observed, but the transition rate from Elementary to Secondary level too significantly dropped from 88.8% in 2021-22 to 83.3% in 2023-24 with a gender gap emerging (Boys: 83.7%, Girls: 82.9%).
  • Further, the transition rate from secondary to higher secondary level declined from 78.4% in 2021-22 to 71.5%  in 2023-24, with girls outperforming boys (73.9% vs 69.1%). The declining transition rate across educational levels is an area of concern and will adversely affect the goal of universal school education by 2030, envisaged in NEP 2020.

 Retention Rates

  • Like the transition rate, the retention rate at the primary level too declined from 95.4% in 2021-22) to 85.4%  in 2023-24, with a minimal gender difference. Low and declining retention rate is a significant concern for universal education goals.
  • The retention rate at the elementary level is more stable than at the primary level, but the same has also declined from 81.2% in 2021-22 to 78.0% in 2023-24, with girls showing slightly better retention (78.9% vs 77.3%).
  • Further, it is observed that the retention rate at the secondary level is relatively stable at around 64%, and the same at the higher secondary level, which is improved to 45.6% in 2023-24, with girls showing more muscular retention at higher levels.

The present efficiency rate status suggests a need for immediate and comprehensive intervention to address challenges while building on positive gender-related achievements. The connection between enrollment patterns and efficiency indicators highlights the importance of a systemic approach to educational improvement. It provides a foundation for targeted interventions and policy adjustments needed to achieve universal education goals while maintaining a focus on quality and equity in education delivery.

Table 9a: Dropout Rate in Selected States: Cohort 2022-23

State Primary Level Upper Primary Level Secondary Level
Bihar 8.9 25.9 25.6
Assam 6.2 8.2 25.1
Arunachal Pradesh 5.4 6.8 19.3
Haryana 1.2 4.7 13.8
Rajasthan 7.6 6.8 11.1
Uttar Pradesh 1.7 3.9 8.7
Jharkhand 0.9 9.0 15.2
All India 1.9 5.2 14.1

Source: UDISEPlus 2023-24 Report

State-specific efficiency rates (Table 9a) will reveal more about the system’s retaining capacity. A cursory look at the dropout rates for Cohort 2022-23 suggests that states such as Bihar, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand etc., have a high incidence of dropout rates, which is valid either for primary and/or upper primary and also for the secondary level of education without checking of which the dream of attaining the goal of universal school education in India by 2030 may not likely to be achieved.

 Number of Repeaters

In addition to high dropout rates, many students repeated various school education grades (Table 9c) in 2023-24, all with high dropout rates adversely affecting the efficiency of the education system; this is despite the no-detention policy being followed since the enactment of Right to Education 2009. As many as 2.36  million and 1.08 million students repeated primary and upper primary grades during 2023-24, respectively, thus indicating a hoping 3.44 million students repeated elementary grades consisting of Grades I to VIII.

Table 9c: Repetition Rate

 Educational Level 2022-23 2023-24 Enrolment in 2022-23 No. of Repeaters
Primary 1.3 2.1 11,24,21,298 23,60,847
Upper Primary 0.9 1.7 6,34,77,866 10,79,124
Secondary 2.7 3.9 3,79,34,094 14,79,430
Source: Calculated based on UDISEPlus 2022-23 and 2023-24 Reports. As many as 34,39,971 students repeated elementary grades in 2023-24.

Computer & Internet Facilities

UDISE 2022-23 and 2023-24 data suggest that most school facilities are improving. However, the availability of computers and internet connectivity in schools is far from satisfactory, even though the same is further enhanced in 2023-24 over the previous year.

Table 8: Computer, Internet Facilities

Facility All Schools
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Electricity 80.2 83.9 86.6  92.0 91.8
Internet 22.3 24.5 33.9  50.0 53.9
Computer 39 41.3 44.9  48.0 57.7
Source: UDISE+, different years.

Only 58 percent of schools had a computer, and 54 percent had internet connectivity in 2023-24; this is also crucial for UDISEPlus, which aims to be an online, paperless, real-time system. It is easy to imagine how schools manage an online information system without internet connectivity and computers. School officials/teachers rush to block-level offices (i.e., BRC) or the nearest cyber café to upload and update data online. Apart from UDISEPlus and SDMIS, they also need to upload information concerning PEN and APAAR for all students in their schools.

In one of the larger states, namely Bihar, the majority of schools (80 percent of 94,686 schools) do not have computers or access to internet facilities in school in view of; which the state had adopted a ‘Man with Machine’ approach for UDISE+ data entry. In this way, how can we develop an online paperless real-time data system?

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*UDISEPlus 2022-23 & 2023-24 The Reports were released on 30th  December 2024 by the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, and Government of India. The reports are available on the official website, and users are advised to refer to the original reports published by the Ministry of Education.


Is UDISEPlus 2022-23 & 2023-24 Data comparable with UDISEPlus 2021-22 and Previous years?

The reports published on 30th December 2024 caution that while UDISE 2022-23 and UDISE 2023-24 are comparable, the new data collection methodology (SDMIS) introduced in 2022-23 makes it incompatible with UDISEPlus 2021-22 and earlier data. However, upon reviewing the UDISEPlus 2022-23 report, it is noted that efficiency indicators, such as dropout, transition, and retention rates, have been computed. These calculations depend on the data from UDISEPlus 2021-22, making both data sets necessary for such analysis. Prof. Arun C. Mehta, a former professor at NIEPA who played a key role in the development of DISE/UDISE over 15 years, argues that despite the differences in data collection methodology, the indicators, rates, and ratios remain comparable; this is because they reflect the situation at a specific point in time, regardless of the data collection methodology used.