National Highlights of UDISEPlus data 2020-21, 2022-23 and 2023-24 [PDF]

National Highlights of the UDISEplus data 2021-22, 2022-23 to 2023-24

To make the analysis easy from the data-users point of view, UDISEPlus data for the years 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24, the National Highlight concerning all leading indicators, such as schools, enrolment, enrolment ratios (GER, NER, Adjusted-NER & Age-specific Enrolment Ratios), teachers & pupil-teacher ratio, transition rates, retention rates, etc. have been presented at one place which is followed by a brief analysis in Light of NEP 2020 Goals for Universal School Education is given by Prof. Arun C Mehta, Former Professor of EMIS at NIEPA, New Delhi. The data is presented at primary, upper primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels of education.

Data Source

The information presented below is compiled based on UDISEPlus data for 2021-22 to 2023-24. Efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the details; however, users are encouraged to refer to the official source at The reference dates for the data are as follows: for UDISEPlus 2020-21 and UDISE 2021-22, it is 30th September 2020 and 30th September 2021, respectively, while for UDISEPlus 2022-23 and 2023-24, it is 31st March 2024, as reported in the respective reports released on 30th December 2024.

The reports caution that while UDISE 2022-23 and UDISE 2023-24 are comparable, the new data collection methodology (SDMIS) introduced in 2022-23 makes it incompatible with UDISEPlus 2021-22 and earlier data. However, upon reviewing the UDISEPlus 2022-23 report, it is noted that efficiency indicators, such as dropout, transition, and retention rates, have been computed. These calculations depend on the data from UDISEPlus 2021-22, making both data sets necessary for such analysis. Prof. Arun C. Mehta, a former professor at NIEPA who played a key role in the development of DISE/UDISE over 15 years, argues that despite the differences in data collection methodology, the indicators, rates, and ratios remain comparable; this is because they reflect the situation at a specific point in time, regardless of the data collection methodology used.

National Highlights of the UDISE+ data, 2021-22 to 2023-24

Parameters 2020-21

(As on



(As of 30/09/2021)


(Cut-off 31/03/2024)


(Cut-off 31/03/2024)

Total Number of Schools 1509136 1489115 1466109 1471891
Total number of Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVs) 1242 1252 1249 1251
Total number of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNVs) 643 643 648 650
Other Central Government 316 272 258 255
State Government 1029978 1020219 1013855 1015504
Total Government Schools 1032179 1022386 1016010 1017660
Total Government-Aided Schools 81690 82480 81486 80313
Total Private Unaided Recognized Schools 343314 335844 323430 331108
Total Recognized Madarsa 19613 19965 19113 20512
Total Other Schools 32340 28440 45183 42810
Number of Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools offering Vocational education under NSQF 12292 13206 15454 18610
Number of residential schools with boarding facility 34946 45369 41983 43389
Total Number of Enrolments (Pre-Primary to Higher Secondary) 264449987 265235830 251791722 248045828
Total Number of Enrolments (Primary to Higher Secondary) 253804461 255740623 241623910 234963031
Enrolment in Pre-Primary 10645526 9495207 10167812 13082797
Enrolment in Primary 122021291 121842250 112421298 107837711
Enrolment in Upper Primary 65854199 66790692 63477860 63126015
Enrolment in Secondary 39006375 38528631 37934094 36863791
Enrolment in Higher Secondary 26922596 28579050 27790658 27135514
Number of Female students (Primary to Higher Secondary) 122072631 122891568 116209112 113248084
Number of Boys students (Primary to Higher Secondary) 131731830 132849055 125414798 121714947
Number of SC Students (Primary to Higher Secondary) 47808724 48295803 44425208 42801577
Number of ST Students (Primary to Higher Secondary) 24900630 25107950 23956131 23441706
Number of OBC students (Primary to Higher Secondary) 113506961 114886642 110403611 106550283
Number of Muslims Enrolments (Primary to Higher Secondary) 36202678 36591868 37572459 36993940
Total Number of Minority Enrolments (Primary to Higher Secondary) 45505633 45439404 47346883 46477064
Number of CWSN students 2191198 2266794 2107212 2114110
Parameters 2020-21








Total Number of Enrolments in Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVs) (Primary to Higher Secondary) 1323283 1375151 1322538 1371269
Total Number of Enrolments in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNVs)(Primary to Higher Secondary) 270736 287021 263529 275714
Total Number of Enrolments in Other Central Government Schools (Primary to Higher Secondary) 179938 170566 120761 116178
Total Number of Enrolments in State Government Schools (Primary to Higher Secondary) 130651687 138665980 134498089 122493264
Total Number of Enrolments in Government Schools(Primary to Higher Secondary) 132425644 140498718 136204917 124256425
Total Number of Enrolments in Government Aided schools(Primary to Higher Secondary) 26446332 26647860 26233480 25200960
Total Number of Enrolments in Private Unaided Recognized Schools (Primary to Higher Secondary) 88089385 82450325 84162385 80883167
Total Number of Enrolments in Other Schools (Primary to Higher Secondary) 6843100 6143720 5190940 4622479
Total Number of teachers 9696425 9507123 9483294 9807600
Total Number of teachers in Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVs) 38851 39596 39902 47462
Total Number of teachers in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNVs) 11453 12270 12703 14408
Total Number of teachers in Other Central Government schools 6889 6342 5728 5926
Total Number of teachers in State Government schools 4869906 4824238 4837268 4969875
Total Number of Teachers in Government Schools 4927099 4882446 4895601 5037671
Total Number of Teachers in Government Aided schools 808355 796631 789634 775574
Total Number of teachers in Private Unaided Recognized schools 3647674 3540647 3523567 3730047
Total Number of teachers in Other schools 313297 287399 274492 264308
Performance Indicators
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – All Categories
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Primary 103.3 103.39 96.2 93.0
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Upper Primary 92.2 94.67 90.2 89.7
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Elementary 99.1 100.13 93.9 91.7
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Secondary 79.8 79.56 79.2 77.4
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Higher Secondary 53.8 57.56 56.8 56.2
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Scheduled Castes (SC)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Primary 113.7 113.1 101.5 96.8
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Upper Primary 100 103.79 96.5 95.6
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Elementary 108.6 109.66 99.6 96.3
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Secondary 84.8 84.91 82.5 80.6
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Higher Secondary 56.1 61.49 58.8 57.9
Parameters 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Scheduled Tribes (ST)
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Primary 106.7 106.5 104.3 98.3
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Upper Primary 95.8 97.95 98.7 95.2
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Elementary 102.7 103.35 102.3 97.1
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Secondary 78.6 78.06 78.8 76.9
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) – Higher Secondary 45.2 52.02 53.4 48.7
Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) – All Categories
Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) – Primary 92.7 88.6 80.6 79.0
Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) – Upper Primary 74.1 71.3 64.8 66.0
Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) – Elementary 92.1 90.5 85.5 83.3
Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) – Secondary 52.5 47.9 47.6 48.3
Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) – Higher Secondary 34.7 34.2 33.8 33.8
Adjusted-NER Enrolment Ratio (Adj-NER) – All Categories
Adjusted-Net Enrolment Ratio (Adj-NER) – Primary 98.6 99.1 89.1 85.9
Adjusted-Net Enrolment Ratio (Adj-NER) – Upper Primary 84.4 87.3 77.8 76.2
Adjusted-Net Enrolment Ratio (Adj-NER) – Elementary 96.0 96.5 89.4 87.2
Adjusted-Net Enrolment Ratio (Adj-NER) – Secondary 61.8 64.7 60.9 60.5
Age-specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER) – All Categories
Age-specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER) – Primary (6 to 10 years) 98.6 99.1 89.1 85.3
Age-specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER) – Upper Primary (11 to 13 years) 91.6 92.2 89.9 89.2
Age-specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER) – Elementary (6 to 13 years) 96.0 96.5 89.4 86.7
Age-specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER) – Secondary (14-15 years) 73.4 72.8 76.3 77.0
Age-specific Enrolment Ratio (ASER) – Higher Secondary (16-17 years) 46.3 42.4 46.8 75.5
Dropout Rates – All Categories
Dropout Rates – Primary 0.8 1.45 7.8 1.9
Dropout Rates – Upper Primary 1.9 3.02 8.1 5.2
Dropout Rates – Secondary 14.6 12.61 16.4 14.1
Transition Rates – All Categories
Transition Rates Primary to Upper Primary 92.1 93.18 87.9 88.8
Transition Rates Upper Primary to Secondary 91.3 88.81 86.7 83.3
Transition Rates Secondary to Higher Secondary 73.3 78.41 71.3 71.5
Retention Rate – All Categories
Primary (Class 1 to Class 5) 95.4 90.9 85.4
Elementary (Class 1 to Class 8) 81.2 75.8 78.0
Parameters 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Secondary (Class 1 to Class 10) 64.7 65.5 63.8
Higher Secondary (Class 1 to Class 12) 43.6


44.1 45.6
Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR)
PTR at the Primary level 26 26 23 21
PTR at the Upper Primary level 19 18 18
PTR at the Secondary level 18 17 16
PTR at Higher Secondary level 27 26 24
Infrastructure facilities
Percentage of schools having electricity connection 91.7 91.8
Percentage of schools having drinking water facility 98.4 98.3
Percentage of schools having toilet facility 98.6 98.6
Percentage of schools having boys’ toilet facilities. 95.6 95.7
Percentage of schools having girls’ toilet facilities. 97.0 97.2
Percentage of schools having hand wash facilities. 94.1 94.7
Percentage of schools having playground facility 82.0 82.4
Percentage of schools having computer facility 47.7 57.2
Percentage of schools having internet facility 49.7 53.9
Percentage of schools having CWSN-friendly toilets. 32.5 34.4
Percentage of schools having ramps with handrail facilities for CWSN students 51.0 52.3
Percentage of schools having Kitchen Gardens. 35.1 36.2
Percentage of schools having Rainwater Harvesting System 28.0 28.4
Percentage of schools having Libraries/Reading Corner/Book Bank facilities 88.3 89.0

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